Chapter 1840

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Du's ancestors also want to know the truth.

Then, he said, "tell me what kind of situation it was at that time. But remember, we must be realistic. If you dare to have half a lie, I will let you die without a burial place

Lin Tianyu said, "don't worry, Du family. I must have told the whole truth. "

"Not yet!" The old ancestor of the Du family said in a deep voice.


Lin Tianyu answered, but he didn't talk nonsense any more. He just said it according to the words he had planned in advance.

"At that time, we were all ready to come to Shenwu land.

"It was at this time that the accident happened.

"Just when the void passage was about to open, suddenly, a real immortal came down from the sky, directly to us who wanted to come to Shenwu land. A huge palm spread down, and it took the lives of three of us. And look at the sudden arrival of the fairy. Obviously, it doesn't mean to just take the lives of these three people and stop. That is to kill all of us on the spot.

"At this time, I also hastened to open the void channel.

"Because only when we enter the void passage can we be truly safe.

"As I opened the void passage, I also cried out," monks with great strength, please help stop the immortal on the periphery. Those who are weak in strength come here quickly and prepare to enter the void channel at the first time. " Listening to my greeting, some people blocked in the periphery, and others rushed to the void passage to be opened.

"But, towards this void passage. There are only five in all. The rest of the people, etc., were all ready to compete with the immortal temporarily. For more time.

"But who thought, the accident happened again.

"At this time, the immortal who came down didn't do anything with those who stopped him. Instead, he ran to these places and shot them.

"It's a pity to see that the five people running towards the void passage want to seize the moment when the void passage opens, but the five people who enter first are killed under the cactus in the sky.

"At this moment, the void passage opens.

"Before the fairy had time to arrive or even send out the third palm. All the rest of us are rushing into the void passage.


"Originally thought, let those weak strength people, first into the void channel. But who thought, it was those weak people who gave their lives first.

"And Du Heng, the descendant of Du family, is just among those who rush to the void passage first."

Originally, Lin Tianyu or thought of another way to fool the ancestors of the Du family.

But this meeting, once saw this Du family ancestor so strong.

It's really unpleasant.

Therefore, Lin Tianyu simply weaves the lie in front, again slightly modifies some. Then, he turned the descendants of his Du family into weak, timid and afraid of death.

Because the strength of the weak people, is in Lin Tianyu's reminder, the first to escape to the void channel.

Du Heng, the son of Du family, happened to be among the group of people who fled to the void passage first. Isn't that just proof that Du Heng's strength is weak?

However, the scene so many people, are also carefully watched from the void channel out of these people.

Among them, some of the disciples who returned to Shenwu land were just reluctant to look at the later stage. And this strength is also the minimum requirement for the passage through the void. If it is lower than this strength, shuttling through the void passage, it is quite dangerous. Because even if the void channel is OK. But inside, there will be a certain pulling and squeezing force. The cultivation is lower than this. It is likely that they will not be able to bear those forces and will be directly crushed to death.

Du Heng, the son of Du family, will certainly not be lower than this strength.

But he was the first to rush to the void passage.

This is not a fear of life and death, what is it?

All people think of this, are to the Du family all place to see the past. There was a faint sarcasm in his eyes.

Aren't you a cow?

Isn't it a bully?

But it turned out that they were just a group of people who were afraid of death.

At this time, Du Heng, the son of the Du family, was clearly a face of the Du family in the hearts of all.