Chapter 1856

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
He said so, and several other owners were also moved.

Lin Tianyu put everyone's reaction and expression into his eyes.

Therefore, Lin Tianyu said, "this is what patriarch he said. So, what do the other owners say? "

This matter, of course, should be made clear in advance.

Once Lin Tianyu really hands, a move after he clan chief. These people are going to go back on their words and say that they have not agreed to come down. At that time, there will be no more trouble.

Some of the other family owners immediately said, "Lin Xiaoyou, if you can take down clan chief he with one move, we are also willing to absolutely follow the orders of the ancestors of the Mo family and Lin Xiaoyou, and we will never regret."

There are also several householders who were thinking about it.

But as soon as I heard that, several owners had already agreed to come down.

So, no longer hesitating, immediately agreed to come down.

You know, the owner in front of him, although he also has the strength of the three products in the early stage. But in the early stage of Sanpin's physical training, it's just a very ordinary member. In front of him, he said that he was not a top player in the third grade later period. It was not completely modest, but it was true.

Where's the chieftain?

He's not the same.

Almost, in addition to these super physical training masters in the late third grade, he can be regarded as the top level. Third grade later period does not come out, he clan chief has not been afraid of who.

He clan leader's strength, not to mention a dozen top-ranking masters. But we are still sure to deal with two or three people.

If Lin Tianyu really can take down clan chief he in one move. That is just like what Lin Tianyu said before. In addition to the super masters of the late third grade. He can handle ten top masters alone. Even less.

With the addition of Lin Tianyu, a super fighting force.

At that time, Mo's ancestors were resisting Du's.

They, the rest of the family, blocked the other members of the family invited by the Du family.

Then, the rest of the Du family's top experts in the late stage of the third grade have become a dish of Lin Tianyu?

At that time, I'm afraid Lin Tianyu will have to kill him.


They imagined that after the war, in addition to their ancestors, these top masters of the Du family were first-class. It was very likely that there would be a fault directly. At that time, in this area, the dominant position of the Du family would be shaken.

There will also be a new overlord in this area, which will shine again.

Can the overlord have a second force besides the Mo family?

These people, however, were the closest people who had followed the Mo family to fight together before the Mo family completely rose.

At that time, what they pay now will benefit them a lot.

Think of these wonderful places.

Everyone's face, is involuntarily spilled out a piece of complacent color.

Now, the prerequisite for all this is the strength of Lin Tianyu. Only Lin Tianyu is more powerful. When it comes to fighting with Du family, the more top masters of Du family are killed. Then, the advantages accumulated for them are bound to be greater.

The strength of Du family is not only the strength of Du family's ancestors, but also the strongest.

It is because of the Du family has more huge, in addition to the ancestors, the top three grades under the late master.

But if Lin Tianyu is strong enough.

After harvesting these top masters of Du family. The Du family is bound to be in this area, the prestige greatly reduced.