Chapter 1872

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Hearing Mo's wild laugh, Du's father was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

But the ancestor of Mo family was right.

Even if the Du family wanted to find trouble with the Mo family, they had to find a way to deal with it first. After this wave of flying arrows, they would talk about it.

So, the impatient Du family ancestor let himself quickly calm down. After a good look at the Du family team, he raised his voice and said, "everyone, pay attention, step up the defense. It's a square defense. Put up your shield outside

The old ancestor of the Du family said, while waving the weapon in his hand, he shot down the arrows.

At the same time, the Du family's ancestors are moving in the direction of Mo's. After breaking through that wave of arrows, the Du family ancestor appeared beside the Mo family ancestor. Without saying a word, he waved the hammer weapon in his hand and directly attacked him. The ancestor of the Mo family also quickly took out a epee and attacked it.

After the Du family experienced the initial chaos and was shot by a lot of people and horses by a burst of random arrows, they came to the rear, stabilized the situation, and formed a square array, with the shield as the periphery, but gradually withstood the endless arrows.

After a while of flying arrows, they also shot and killed some unfortunate Du family men and horses.

The effect is not much.

Therefore, Lin Tianyu waved his hand decisively and stopped the arrow array. Then, instead of the Mo family ancestor who was fighting, he issued an order, saying, "everyone, launch a comprehensive attack!"

With the gesture of Lin Tianyu.

In the mountains on both sides of the mountain, the people and horses rushed out were more than those of the Du family.

How could that be possible?

The Du family, who was fighting with the ancestors of the Mo family, was stunned.

You know, they Du family side, gathered these large army, it is not only his Du family people. In addition to their Du family, there are more than a dozen family forces that they have united together.

Therefore, even just now, many of his Du family were shot and killed by an arrow feather.

In the heart of Du's ancestors, there was no worry at all.

The combined influence of their more than ten families is even a lot of damage. But it is also not a Mo family can compare.

But now?

Is this a force of the Mo family?

This is clearly also the Mo family united with more than a dozen family forces, ambushing themselves here.

How could the Mo family have thought of our Du family's sneak attack, and gathered more than a dozen family forces to ambush the Du family here?

Is it possible that a spy from the Du family forces informed the Mo family of the Du family's plan of action in advance.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain all this.

Du's grandfather thought, his eyes red. At this time, but everyone looked like a spy.

Who is it?

As long as we can find out.

Who leaked the news to the Mo family. He Du's ancestors must lead the army to destroy his nine clans.

When Du's ancestors thought of these things, they planned to start in their hearts.

Now, although it seems, there are more people on the Mo side. However, this time, the Du family gathered all the elite in the family. Therefore, there are more top experts in the family than in the Mo family.

The shooting just now did kill many Du family members.

However, it was just shooting and killing some ordinary Du family people. Like those top experts, it's not like this, a few rounds of arrows can be easily shot.

Well, next, Mojia has the advantage of a large number of people.

But my Du family is a top player, more than the other side.

Although the first battle was not good.

But if the real fight comes down, in the end, it is not known who will win.