Chapter 1874

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Puff, puff, puff

As the black light of the knife passed all the way, the sound of the black knife entering the flesh and killing the opponent never stopped.

A flash of black light takes a life away.

Moreover, the lives taken away are not ordinary Du family people.

They are all top experts in Du's army.

Even if it's a little worse. That's the second level master in Du's army.

In this endless killing, every time those who fall are all real masters. If any force is changed, their will to fight will surely collapse completely.

The Du family is no exception.

Finally, Du family master can no longer withstand this pressure, high voice way: "ancestor, we withdraw!"

"Go! Get out of here! Get back

Du's ancestors are also in the war, looking back over. That's exactly what I saw. So, with a tight breath of Zhongqi, he issued such an order.

At this time, Lin Tianyu, like a ghost, shuttles through the Du family's team, killing the experts in the Du family's team endlessly.

Then, the Mo family members and horses closely cooperated with Lin Tianyu and then made a move.

This will have been a total loss of the will to fight Du Jia horses, as if they were prey in general to kill.

At this time, if you don't retreat again, you can stick to it.

I'm afraid that at the end of the day, the whole Du family will have to account here.

After the Du family called out the order to retreat. It's also a compact attack on Mo's ancestors.

Feel the Du family ancestor's attack trend suddenly strengthened. The ancestors of the Mo family knew it well. After this wave of attacks, Du's ancestors must have fled far away. However, although the heart is clear. But after all, the strength is to be slightly weaker than the Du family ancestors, so, we can only watch the Du family ancestors under such a compact and rigorous attack, and do our best to defend. After that, can be helplessly watched Du family ancestor escape and go.

Du's people arrived at this meeting, and they had no intention of fighting. Then, the ancestors of Du family gave orders in person.

As a result, there was no hesitation any more, and they ran away like a swarm of bees.

People squeeze people, people crush people, in this process, plus the Mojia people closely pursue and kill.

For a while, the Du family lost a lot.

But at this time, Lin Tianyu, who was shuttling between the Du family and the horses, stopped abruptly and looked in the direction of the Du family and the Mo family.

Just to see the Du family ancestor stepped up the attack.

Clearly is to force from all directions after Mo family ancestor, calmly fled.

Lin Tianyu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he abandoned the Du family. His figure flickered, and he went straight to the place where Du Mo and his ancestors fought.


When he came near, he didn't have any doubts. Lin Tianyu immediately showed his black knife in his hand. He made the most of the cutting, and then he waved to the ancestor of the Du family.

However, the old ancestor of the Du family is not comparable to ordinary monks.

He is equivalent to the immortal level of the Dixian, Sanpin later physical training strength. Moreover, still did not have any suppressed Dixian strength.

Therefore, after Lin Tianyu came near, he was cut out with the intention of endless cutting knife.

Du's ancestors finally had a reaction, and waved a hammer to Lin Tianyu's black knife.