Chapter 1877

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
But when he thought about it, Lin Tianyu's eyes were cold again.

Immediately, Lin Tianyu looked back at the ancestor of the Mo family and said, "Mo Zu, have you ever thought about once and for all?"

Mo's ancestors shrunk their eyes when they heard Lin Tianyu's words.

This meaning, that can't understand more.

That is to take advantage of this great victory, and directly wave into the Du family's nest. Then, if you can attack the Du family's nest, and then kill the Du family ancestors. Then, this matter is really once and for all.

Think of it.

The old ancestor of Mo's family has a burst of heart.

But then, the eyes were dark again.

The old ancestor of Mo family said: "don't look at the Du family's defeat now. In fact, this time, we have all kinds of favorable conditions. However, the Du family is the first family in our area. Strength and details are far from comparable to those of our small families. This time the Du family suffered such a defeat. Then, it must be too careful.

"I'm afraid we'll never have such a chance again.

"What's more, I'm afraid that even the families we're allied with may not be willing to fight with the Du family to the end."

In fact, the words of the ancestors of the Mo family said.

Lin Tianyu also understood.

In the heart of the ancestors of the Mo family, first of all, there was no plan to continue to advance toward the Du family.

However, Lin Tianyu still vaguely felt that his idea was good.

So Lin Tianyu said, "Mo Zu. In fact, it is precisely because the Du family has always been the first family in this area. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of their great defeat to crush them more thoroughly. Otherwise, once the Du family really relieved. Or wait until the Du family finds a strong support. In that case, I'm afraid it will give us more trouble. "

This truth, Mo family ancestor also understood.

However, when he looked into the eyes of the Mo family's ancestors, Lin Tianyu knew that he had never heard this truth into his heart.

Sure enough, the ancestor of the Mo family seemed to think about it for a while and said, "well, I'm going to ask the opinions of other families. If everyone agrees to attack the Du family again. Then, we organized again and launched an attack on the Du family. "

Listen to the words of the ancestor of the Mo family.

Lin Tianyu also knows that it is impossible to attack the Du family again.

It's like before.

At that time, when the families were united, if they only asked their own opinions, there would be no such alliance.

Now, it must have been forced directly by the Du family's coalition forces to the Mo family.

Then, there are only two roads left for the Mo family.

Surrender or perish.

However, this meeting, the ancestor of Mo family said that he wanted to ask the opinions of other owners. Obviously, it's a kind of evasion. But Lin Tianyu didn't go to his heart too much. But now, although it is the most appropriate time to continue to pursue the Du family, can let the results of the war once again expand to the maximum. However, if we do not expand the results of the war, we will maintain the status quo.

I am afraid that after this defeat, Du family also did not have more ability, once again launched an attack on the Mo family.

Mo family can also enjoy the next, a long period of time of stability.

This is also convenient for Lin Tianyu to quietly improve his own strength while waiting for the opening of the inheritance palace of physical cultivation.

This battle, especially in the fight with Du's ancestors.

Although Lin Tianyu took advantage of it.

In fact, it's just taking advantage of the Mo family's ancestor's restraint and taking a surprise. In terms of real strength, Lin Tianyu is still much worse than the physical training in the later stage of Sanpin.

At that time, the inheritance palace of physical cultivation will be opened.

However, there will be a lot of body cultivation in the later stage of Sanpin.

If only now's strength, then, I'm afraid there will be no small obstruction.