Chapter 2136

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Look at the desert crabs that are coming closer and closer to them.

All of them rushed forward to fight against these desert crabs.

After a while, the ground is full of dead desert cancer. However, immediately, these desert crabs were bitten and eaten by the desert crabs coming from behind.

At this time, these people on their side also had some damage.

These desert crabs, in particular, are not just fighting head-on. From time to time, they would stick out a big clamp from under the sand, clamp people and drag them into the sand.

The bodyguards of Su Mu San, who had not yet reached the third grade, were responsible for protecting Su Mu San.

Therefore, only for a short time, three people have fallen down.

The old man also took care of Su Mu San and approached Lin Tianyu. He said, "Lin Xiaoyou, if you want to break the current situation, there is a feasible way. However, this method has hardly been heard, and no one has succeeded. "

"Let me listen to that method first, and then I can do it."

Lin Tianyu said, while protecting Lu Feixue, and then repeatedly cut and killed several desert cancer.

The ancient also said while fighting: "that way is, you must tame these king of desert cancer. Then, ask their king to order the desert crabs to retreat. Not to mention the king of taming a desert cancer. I'm afraid that even the king who is close to this desert cancer is a very difficult thing to do

That's right.

The desert cancer King's side, can be less desert cancer guard?

If you want to get close to this king of desert cancer, you have to pass the guard of those desert cancer first.

It's so hard to get close.

How can we tame such a desert cancer king.

Lin Tianyu waved his knife and even chopped, and said, "ancient, can't you kill this king of desert cancer directly? You have to be tamed. "

"If you kill the king of desert cancer directly, it is impossible to play any role at all.

"Even without the king of desert cancer, these desert cancer will still instinctively pursue us. And even the king of desert cancer is dead. Among these desert crabs, one of the strongest desert crabs will come out and become king again. Continue to command this army of desert cancer, attack us.

"So, the only way is to tame the king of desert cancer."

It's no wonder that in front of us, when we had a way, we had no way.

Tame a desert cancer king.

Who can do it?

And even if someone can. It is impossible to do it in a short time.

But as long as a long time, these people will die here.

This is almost an unsolvable problem.

But Lin Tianyu's eyes twinkled and said, "then I want to go in and have a try."

Then he looked back at Lu Feixue and said, "Feixue, you go with me."

Old busy way: "Lin Xiaoyou, you really want to try."

Lin Tianyu nodded firmly.

The old man said: "Lin Tianyu wants to have a try. Maybe Lin Xiaoyou will succeed. "

As he said this, there was also a faint look of expectation in the old eyes.

Somehow, he thought:

Lin Tianyu could have succeeded.