Chapter 2159

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo

At this moment, a black knife light flashed by, and they opened their mouths at random. The man's head rolled to one side.

There was a steep silence at the scene.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden change.

But Lin Tianyu said faintly, "who else do you want to be like him?"

After listening to Lin Tianyu's words, they all unconsciously stepped back several steps.

You know, this head was cut off by a knife, just now, can stand by their side. If at that time, the black knife light did not go to the person, but to himself. I'm afraid that the head rolling on the ground should be

Thinking of this, people subconsciously step back.

The first person who spoke to him said, "you don't have to be afraid. His real strength is not necessarily that strong. He just learned a kind of more advanced footwork, and also, to a higher level. Therefore, the effect of this kind of surprise attack will be very terrible, but if it is a real frontal engagement, his combat power is not necessarily so strong. "

Lin Tianyu laughed and looked at the humanity: "you are not wrong at all. My ability to fight head-on is not so good.

"One thing, though, is that my ability to make a surprise attack, even in a frontal battle, is irresistible.

"If you people want to do something to me, you have to think about it.

"Whoever is the first to do it, I will use the power I just used to kill him first.

"Come on!

"Who is the first among you to stand up and die?"

Lin Tianyu said, standing in the front door of the room.

The eyes swept the crowd with a faint smile.

The black knife in his hand pointed to these people one by one.

The provocative implication is obvious.

It is in the contempt of these people, who dare to jump out of the first to do it themselves. Of course, when they are the first to jump out, they have to finish the same end as the man just now.

With Lin Tianyu's black knife pointing, these people are subconsciously back.

Just now, Lin Tianyu's knife directly killed one of their companions.

No one among them could have the slightest assurance to block such a knife.

However, although none of these people dare to advance to Lin Tianyu. But they didn't leave either.

In their hearts, they actually think about it.

If they are so many people at the same time, then there is no need to fear Lin Tianyu. Must be able to kill Lin Tianyu and seize the chance in this room.

But they knew more clearly that the first person to do it would have to be killed by Lin Tianyu.

Therefore, no one dares to be the first to do it.

Everybody's waiting.

When you can't hold back, you have to do it first.

Lin Tianyu's eyes were cold, and his heart was:

it seems that the deterrent is not enough. It's going to take a little more heat.

Lin Tianyu looked at the people in front of him and said, "if you want to do something, do it quickly. If you don't have the courage to do it. Then I'll get out of here as soon as possible. "

"Young man, don't be so angry. It's a big fire. It's easy to get hurt. "

In Lin Tianyu's exclamation, one finally stood up.