Chapter 2191

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Time goes on and on.

Finally, I don't know how long it has been.

All of a sudden, Lin Tianyu, who had been feeling the ladder, suddenly felt that he seemed to have touched the origin of the ladder.

This is a very compressed, can go straight to the sky's real ladder.

And this endless pressure, in fact, is just the pressure of the whole vigorous wind layer, has been extremely suppressed outside the ladder. There was a natural pressure to protect the monks who passed the steps.

When Lin Tianyu wants to go down to the next level of understanding, or to get some kind of creation from this understanding, it is simply impossible.

Then, Lin Tianyu suddenly felt that he seemed to have shuttled time and space, and then arrived at a place.

Here, two old men, set up a chessboard.

Lin Tianyu looked at himself again.

But I found my body unreal.

This just feels, as if not their own noumenon has arrived at this place. It's the soul that shuttles through the endless void and arrives here.

These two old men must be the kind of top-notch people.

Lin Tianyu respectfully bowed his hand to the two elders and said, "two elders, let the boy come here, I don't know what The good is given. "

"Ha ha ha ha..." An old man laughed and said, "boy, why do you think that we want you here to give you good?"

Lin Tianyu said: "the reason why the two elders want to see me must be related to the magic land. If you want to solve the fiendish, you need genius, and you have to be super genius. However, whether it's genius or super genius, their growth will take time. At the same time, in order to speed up the growth of super talents, if you have super treasures, you can't do it, right? "

The old man said: "boy, where do you get confidence, you think you are a genius or a super genius."

With that, he looked at Lin Tianyu with a playful expression.

But Lin Tianyu looked at the joking expression, which was clearly a kind of encouragement.

Clearly, let Lin Tianyu play from me. If he plays well, he can persuade the two old men. So, of course, there are super rewards.

Otherwise, even if there is a reward, I'm afraid it's just a passing away.

Lin Tianyu looked at the old man fearlessly and said, "although I dare not call myself a super genius. However, since I was able to get the advice of the two elders, it can be imagined that I could become a hope in the eyes of the two elders. What's more, I don't think it's worse than others in these people who have entered the fiefdom.

"Besides, besides talent, I have a determination.

"Ever since I learned of the danger of fiendish. I have a decision in my heart. I must grow up quickly. Then, I will completely solve the danger of fiendish

Lin Tianyu said, and fixed his eyes on the old man in front of him. There was a steady look in it.

As he said.

In Lin Tianyu's heart, it has become a motive and determination for him to practice fast.

Lin Tianyu can't rest assured that he is not free from the evil land.

After all, all his relatives and the people he cares about are in this star field. If the danger of fiefdom breaks out. Then, all these people are bound to die.

What Lin Tianyu said is also from the heart.