Chapter 2229

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Such a bet.

All the people who heard this bet were stunned.

You know, this week's ancestors and Du's ancestors, that can be clearly the peak of the third grade masters. Play against them. What's more, challenge both of them.

The ancestors of Zhou and Du looked at each other.

Then, both of them nodded with a smile.

They clearly felt it.

The reason why Lin Tianyu proposed such a gambling method.

This is clearly that he did not want to help the Mo family. But there are also a variety of human relations in which it is difficult to refuse. At this time, I came up with such an idea.

At that time, because they lost the gambling, they could not participate in the war.

Well, no one can say anything more.

As for the battle with Lin Tianyu, these two top monks in the late third grade will lose.

They didn't think much about it at all.

Just think, after really winning, they can't go too far.

After all, behind Lin Tianyu, there is such a powerful army now.

When the time comes, as long as Lin Tianyu really fulfills the bet.

At the same time, the Mo family ancestor and others who are paying close attention to this matter at one side, but their facial expression changes and they are extremely ugly.

They also know that Lin Tianyu's strength is indeed incomparable.

But even if it is the most powerful strength, to be able to face a third grade later peak friar, it is amazing. What's more, it is estimated that the main purpose of the fight is to avoid. The so-called frontal confrontation, in fact, is not a real frontal confrontation and confrontation.

But now, there are two top monks in the late third grade.

In this way, to fight with each other, that is not to find their own uncomfortable?

Even, the ancestors of the Mo family and the people of the Mo family also thought of a possibility.

Although Lin Tianyu refused because of their help.

But actually, in my heart, I don't want to help them sincerely. So, this put forward such a bet that can't be completed at all. Come and deal with them like this. Then, turn around and you can take your own troops and leave.

The ancestors of the Mo family took a serious look at the backbone of the Mo family, with a wry smile on his face.

Even if Lin Tianyu really did.

They also have no way at all, or superfluous words to say.

Because it's all their own making.

On that day, if it was not for their own selfish motives, they would have robbed Lin Tianyu of his chance. After Lin Tianyu released the siege for them, he sent men and horses to intercept Lin Tianyu.

So today, with such a big disaster, and then help Lin Tianyu, how can he play such a trick.

It's just a show.


It's all self inflicted.

Several people thought, the heart, full of regret, can not help themselves.

But at this time, Mo Qingshi suddenly said: "do you think that Lin Tianyu can really win these two top friars in the late third grade?"

"What are you talking about?"

The ancestor of the Mo family was not happy when he heard this.

This kind of thing, as long as it is a discerning person, can see at a glance, this is simply impossible.

Is it still possible to guess?