Chapter 2239

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
When Lin Tianyu sighed, he understood.

It's all because he's strong enough.

After all, compared with Tianquan land, the Shenwu land has the same level. Even if it is slightly higher, it is only on the same level, so many orders higher.

On that day, on the Tianquan continent, Lin Tianyu directly reached the summit of the mainland.

Therefore, it is so easy to climb to the top again on the Shenwu land.

It's natural strength.

But if you let Lin Tianyu go to the divine world, or fairyland.

With his current strength, if he wants to get ahead, it is much harder than now.

It's impossible to have achieved so much in a few months.

Not to mention a few months.

Years, decades, even

By that time, if he can get to the top, it will be fast.

Thinking about immortals and the divine world, Lin Tianyu is a figure who has reached the top of the world even now. But inside, or can't help but a burst of pressure boundless.

Moreover, even if it is such a powerful divine world and fairyland, in the face of the demons in the fiend, it is clear that there is nothing to do.

Now, it's just procrastination.

Then, Lin Tianyu felt a sense of powerlessness.

He has to step up his strength.

However, when he ascended to the top of the ladder, the old man who was so powerful and powerful that he was just a palm, which sealed him with another layer of cultivation.

And the old man is obviously not the key to Lin Tianyu.

Moreover, according to the old man, he gave Lin Tianyu a big chance.

It is a great opportunity to seal Lin Tianyu's accomplishments.

Then, or that is to say, the foundation of Lin Tianyu has not been laid to the most solid level. He needs to continue to lay a solid foundation.

Or, it is necessary for him to obtain something from his later cultivation of second grade.

But what is the reason for this?

Under Lin Tianyu's thinking, he couldn't think of the reason at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Tianyu suddenly contacted Xiaodao and said, "Xiaodao, do you know that when I was on the top of the ladder, that powerful old man sealed my accomplishments again. Why did he do it? "

The knife is a little vague.

In fact, after the old man suddenly sealed Lin Tianyu's cultivation, he also thought about it.

However, he has not been able to come up with the reason for this.

It's the foundation.

Lin Tianyu's foundation was firmly laid down under the witness of Xiaodao. That foundation is solid enough.

If it's for chance.

In addition to going to the divine world, the strength is weaker, but it will have some advantages.

However, if the strength is too weak to go to the divine world, it will certainly be difficult to develop at that time, and will suffer a lot in the divine world.

In this way, it is really a double-edged sword.

After all, if the strength is too weak, there are too many attacks.

Although there is tempering, but in the heart above, it will eventually cause too many blows, inevitably leaving a shadow.

Therefore, Xiaodao thought about it again and said, "master, I can't think of the specific reason for this. Perhaps, to a certain point, that is to be able to know, what is this