Chapter 2285

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
In a hurry, both sides have reached hundreds of moves.

At the beginning, the ten people still thought that Lin Tianyu was just so powerful and fast, and his body method was ordinary.

Except for the skill of Dao, it is almost useless.

As long as they have restrained Lin Tianyu's Sabre technique, they must be able to easily win over each other.

Moreover, after a few hundred moves, they did make several wounds on Lin Tianyu's body. It can also be seen. Their battle with Lin Tianyu was not without effect. Although more than ten of them were injured.

However, it has been consumed.

They don't believe it.

There are ten of them, but Lin Tianyu is not alone.

It is estimated that with a few hundred more moves, Lin Tianyu will be defeated completely by them.

Ten masters in the later stage of the third grade are more fierce and aggressive. In their hearts, they have already made plans.

At that time, it was so difficult to win Lin Tianyu.

But he promised them to get into the mountains. As their reward.


But as the fight went on.

I feel that the three masters are masters in the later stage. It seems that Lin Tianyu's Sabre skill is even more fierce than before. What's more, there are no loopholes.

At this time, even if it was a series of ten of them, it was impossible to hurt Lin Tianyu any more.

As we fight here, we progress.

I've heard about it from the legend of the top talents.

Especially under such pressure, in the battle of ten top friars in the late third grade, they were able to make progress.

Ten people all feel a kind of timidity faintly.

However, since it has been handed over. At this time, it is impossible to have any retreat.

Therefore, ten people once again strengthened the offensive inside the hand.

The wind and rain suddenly like a continuous attack on Lin Tianyu.

When the ten monks in the later period of the third grade had just started their quick moves, they had formed some troubles for Lin Tianyu. Let Lin Tianyu again in a flurry, the body is in a few moves, again left a lot of wounds.

However, only a few dozen moves later.

On the one hand, ten of them can't maintain the attack strength of this move all the time.

What's more, it's only a short time in such a fight. It seems that Lin Tianyu's Sabre technique has made some progress.

After a while, Lin Shiyu may not have left any scars on them.

When Lin Tianyu waved his knife casually, he said, "if you ten people join hands, it's just this point. It seems that there is no need to fight any more. "

"Hum! Who can't talk big. "

One of them snorted, "we're just here. And you? Where can we get to. Ten of us did not win you. However, you have been to the present, is not also the same is not to take us? We are each other. We can take each other's hands. It's impossible for anyone to find a way. "

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Lin Tianyu laughed and said, "why, you don't really think that we have no way to take you?"