Chapter 2310

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
At the time when they talked about the matter, the more than 30 people finally stepped directly into the encirclement.


When ah Er Yi called out, Ah Da was already in a flash and rushed out first.

When a Da rushes out, his goal is clear, that is to go to the leader.

In the watch room where the array is monitored, Adake is thinking of killing the leader himself.

However, the leader is also a smart man.

As soon as I heard the word "kill", I knew that there was a danger. It is likely to be trapped in the other party's ambush.

Therefore, the leader is almost the first reaction, is to quickly escape first.

So the figure flashed, thinking about leaving.

But ADA's speed is obviously much faster.

As soon as it appeared, it was directly blocked in front of the leader.

When the leader saw someone stop him.

This is a critical time to escape. As a result, he did not say much. He just punched the man who stopped him and blew him away.

It was a powerful blow.

Even if it is a city wall, it can blow out a hole under this blow.

In such a short battle, it's too late for anyone to take out the weapon. Such a sudden and powerful blow is obviously easy to work. And, even if you can't really do something to each other. That will also make the other party in such a strong blow, can not react, directly let go of the body.

Then, it will give the leader who blows out the blow a chance to escape.

That's a pretty good calculation.

If you encounter a reaction, it's a little slower. Or, if the strength is slightly weaker, the leader will certainly take this opportunity to escape.

However, this leader is just met a Da such a person.

ADA was already one of those people with a bad temper.

In the face of this kind of hard hitting attack, it is impossible for him to let it go.

Moreover, a Dake was still in the divine world, and was sent out by the Wang family to protect the man who did not know the height of heaven and earth.

Since he's a bodyguard. Then, its own strength will certainly not be weak.

Although a Da Gang rushed out, the leader was already a powerful blow directly out. However, this also did not stop ADA. Although ADA is not ready. But then, a DA is the same punch, to the leader, on the past.


The two fists hit each other.

Then, the two of them stepped back a hundred steps.

In this way, the two people are clearly not taking advantage of what.

It looks like it's just a close match.

But the leader's heart sank steeply.

It looks like a close match. But he knew it all. His fist, when the other party's shouts together, is already gathering momentum.

But what about ADA?

At the time of his punch, it was clear that he was not fully prepared.

However, in that kind of flustered, under the sudden punch, it was still able to directly be a punch, and he was a close match.

He was not surprised by this situation.