Chapter 2349

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Then, the fat man who realized his idea suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Tianyu.

The fat man got a little excited and said, "Lord Lin, just now, we were in a war, and our strength was greatly improved. That's why Lin Pavilion master intervened in the middle, so that we can achieve that situation, right?"

The fat man asked, bursts of joy.

But the thin man was completely stunned.

The thin man said, "fat man, what are you talking about? Will it be him and Lin Ge Lord who will help us? We were the parties to the war. If someone did help us. We are the parties. At that time, I would not feel it. "

Thin heart, that is not believe at all.

But even if I don't believe it.

But he believed in the fat man. Although a lot of times, looking at the fat man, it is a very unreliable character. However, once the fat man analyzes it, he thinks it is a fact, and he also declares it to his mouth.

Well, it's probably true.

But it's also too bizarre.

They helped themselves in secret, but they didn't feel it at all.

Is this possible?

Moreover, the two people who were helped were the top monks on Shenwu land. Sanpin later body friars.

It makes the skinny feel impossible.

But that's what fat people say.

Although the thin man's words, fierce opposition. However, in his heart, he has already believed half. Even when addressing, he became the leader of the forest Pavilion.

What's more, the title of Lin Pavilion master is more than just a title.

It is also full of the flavor of a few honorifics.

The fat man looked at the thin man with a face full of disbelief and said, "skinny, think about it again. If we really rely on the strength of the two of us, can we defeat those people just now?

"They have six monks in the late third grade. Even, there are more than a dozen monks who are below the third grade.

"We have no idea what strength we are.

"The monks in the late third grade period just now, we should be able to win by one to one. But each person against two people, that is absolutely impossible to have the slightest chance to win.

"But in the end?

"We didn't just win. And killed everyone on the other side. What's more, it's more exaggerated. We have slaughtered so many powerful opponents, even the two people's bodies, even serious injuries are not left behind.

"Is that possible?"

Fat man said this, thin also some Leng.

What the fat man said is the truth.

With their strength, it is impossible to achieve what the fat man just said.

However, in the first world war just now, they did it.

This is totally unreasonable.

If you want to explain these unreasonable places thoroughly.

Then, there is only one possibility.

There are people who help in the dark. Moreover, or the strength is strong to the person against the sky, secretly help. Otherwise, with their strength, it is absolutely impossible for them to help, that is, there is no sense at all.

And when they just finished fighting, Lin Tianyu came.

And just now, Lin Tianyu suddenly said that their strength was greatly improved and began to expand.