Chapter 2371

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Su Mu San was curious and had a lot of questions.

Then, he stretched out his hand and pinched the small face of the knife.

The knife rolled its eyes.

I'm not a little boy.

Your age is even older than that of your ancestors of the last 18 generations, right?

Su Mu San's eyes could not be moved.

Lin Tianyu coughed and said, "screen three, he is a knife."

"Knife, how lovely." Su Mu San said, and then stretched out his hand to squeeze the small face of the knife.

"Master, two ladies, I want to tell you, don't worry at all. The body cultivation inheritance palace is waiting for its master in that place. He will not disappear until the master arrives

"That's really great."

Hearing this, Lin Tianyu and Lu Feixue are finally completely relieved.

After all, Lin Tianyu and Lu Feixue already know that the knife is the spirit of the Dharma inheritance palace. Naturally, it is also in the same line as the inheritance palace of physical cultivation. What he said is naturally the most authoritative.

Su Mu San didn't respond for a while.

Why, just such a little boy said so, Lin Tianyu and Lu Feixue have completely believed his words.

But then, it is thought that just now, the little boy opened his mouth and said two ladies.

Thinking of this, Su Mu San has a thick smile on his face.

After watching the knife, I like it more and more.

However, at this time, Luffy snow is suddenly leaning over. Then, he also stretched out his hand, pinched the face of the knife and twisted it vigorously.


The knife let out a sudden cry.

In fact, the knife really won't hurt. At least, Lu Feixue's strength will not really hurt him. But he yelled on purpose.

He felt guilty all of a sudden.

I felt it all at once.

I just said something wrong.

He suddenly came out and spoke of the ladies. This is to flatter Su Mu San, the future master's wife. But now, he remembered. This flatters the future lady. But the present lady is not to be offended by him.

It is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

A little head turn, you know the crux of all the problems.

Therefore, when Lu Feixue pinched his face with his hand, he deliberately pretended to be a poor man.

Lu Feixue is obviously not ready to give up.

Then, he pinched the other side of the face with his hand and twisted it.


The knife screamed again on purpose.

Lu Feixue said with a smile: "Oh, the knife, it's hurting you."

"No pain, no pain." The knife suddenly suffered a face.

Indeed, it is impossible to give him such an artifact pain. But it would be a bad thing for him to be revenged by the responsible lady.

Lu Feixue, however, looked at the knife with a smile and said, "it doesn't hurt really?"

"It really doesn't hurt."

Lu Feixue busy way: "since it doesn't hurt, I'll screw it twice more."

Then, regardless of whether the knife answered or not, he stretched out his hand again and twisted it to the knife's small face. But it feels good. Moreover, after twisting, Lu Feixue also specially looked at the knife's face. It turned out that there was no red mark on the face of the knife.

However, Lu Feixue does not think it strange to think about it.

After all, this is the spirit of the Dharma inheritance palace.