Chapter 2429

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
The man was shocked.

He just saw Lu Feixue and Su Mu San, two people clearly did not come forward to fight.

He always thought that they were too weak to be protected by others.

But now it seems.

Although Lu Feixue is weaker. But not so much.

As a result, the man did not dare to be too careless as before, and did not treat them as one thing at all. On the contrary, a trace of prudence rose, and the weapon in his hand was used fiercely, and he waved at Lu Feixue.


But all of a sudden, this to Lu Feixue attack the past, this person, but suddenly flew out.

All of a sudden, the crowd was stunned.

Is this reversed.

Why, in this battle, it was the powerful man who flew out. The weak and weak people are still in the local area and have not moved at all.

It's totally unreasonable!

Just now, this man was acting on purpose.

People's eyes are following the man who just flew out and chased up all the way.

All want to see how far this man can play.

Then, I saw that the man who had just been blown out was flying farther and farther.

This guy is really good at acting.

So they thought.

Then, in the eyes of the people, we saw the man who had just been flying farther and farther away. Suddenly, he was in the middle of the air with a sound of "boom" and exploded, which directly turned into a cloud of blood mist and dissipated in the air.

This, this person, this really play a little too hard.

Your strength is obviously much stronger.

How, and the other side after a move, but not only by the other side to a direct blow to fly to an endless distance. What's more, after flying so far, it just exploded. Completely exploded into a cloud of blood.

That's a bit too much.


Even if this person likes acting again. It's impossible to blow yourself up and kill yourself directly.

It should be more than just the other party acting.

Is it true that the beautiful woman is actually more powerful? However, she did not fully release her momentum. Therefore, it makes people feel that her strength is just general. And when the real fight, she is finally burst out of their full strength. And then, it's not just a direct blow away.

What's more, all of a sudden, after the other party blasted that endless distance.

The opponent still can't bear the fierce force that she blows out.

And then, in the middle of the air, it explodes directly.

It exploded into a cloud of blood.


The other side that looks down, the delicate Incomparable beautiful woman, turns out to be their group of people in the real master ah.

They all looked at the place where Lu Feixue stood.

And then, you see.

Beside Lu Feixue, there is a young man standing.

People also react in an instant.

It turns out that they are not mistaken.

In fact, the strength of that woman is much weaker than that of the man who was blown out just now. However, just as they were just fighting each other, the young man suddenly appeared. To the beautiful woman.

It wasn't just a move for her.

What's more, it's a direct move to blow up the opponent. Even, he flew the opponent into the air, and then controlled the force to let him explode.