Chapter 2632

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
you 're right!

This battle is exactly the battle between Zhang he and Lin Tianyu.

It is also the last battle among friars in the later period of Sanpin.

It is also the most anticipated war.

At this time, Zhang he did not know whether he was expecting, or because he was eager and restless. It's just that as soon as the message that he and Lin Tianyu are fighting is sent out, Zhang he's a flash of shadow and goes directly to the arena. Then, his eyes crossed the crowd and looked at the place where the ChongXiao pavilion was.

This vision, of course, is directly locked in Lin Tianyu's body.

Lin Tianyu stood up and was about to jump to the arena.

At this time, the fat man again said: "the pavilion master, if the pavilion master really plays his strength, can he be sure to win Zhang He with one move?"

Lin Tianyu nodded and said, "almost."

"Pavilion master," said the fat man, "if you can win Zhang He with one move, don't talk to him about politeness. Just throw him out of the arena with one move."

Lin Tianyu listened to the fat man's words, looked back at the fat man, but saw the fat man's eyes, full of expectation.

Then, Lin Tianyu looked at the thin man and Hu Si, even Ma Rufeng, and the monks who had just received the Chongxiao Pavilion. His eyes were full of expectation.

On the contrary, a DA, who was blasted off the ring by Zhang He, has a calm face and no unnecessary expression.


Lin Tianyu said: "Zhang he was knocked out of the arena. I will never use the second move."


The place where Chongxiao Pavilion is located has been receiving people all the time with the challenge arena. At this meeting, hundreds of people have gathered. As Lin Tianyu said, it is absolutely unnecessary to take the second move against Zhanghe. All the people in Chongxiao Pavilion in this area burst out a burst of thunderous roar. It's up in the sky.

The others listened to the roar and looked at them curiously.

At the same time, there are also some audiences who are close to the Chongxiao Pavilion, but they also hear why these people here make such a roar.

So they spread out the reason for the roar.

For a moment, the audience under the challenge arena were talking.

The interest in the war was all the more intense.

At the same time, the feeling of expectation is strong.

Lin Tianyu has even said that he wants to blow this chapter out of the arena. And, never use the second move.

Is this madness?

Or is the strength really so strong?

However, even if Lin Tianyu's strength is no longer how strong.

Don't forget that his opponent is Zhang He, the real king of the last realm and the third grade. It can be called the real king of the whole Shenwu land. Is Lin Tianyu's powerful strength really able to help him to do it? Can he knock the once King off the challenge arena with one move?

"No! I think, this Lin Tianyu Pavilion master, now some big words. We should knock the once king out of the arena. No one, at least at the level of friars, can do this. If you want to do this, at least you have to step into the level of God

"Haha! Lin Tianyu says so much. I'll see him later. If he can't do it, how should he get out of the challenge arena? "

"Hello, Hello, all of you. Don't you think that if Lin Tianyu can really do a move to knock the king's chapter out of the arena? "