Chapter 2645

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
It is also because of the popularity of Chongxiao Pavilion.

With the end of the king's challenge.

At this time, there is no need for ChongXiao pavilion to recruit those talented monks to join Chongxiao Pavilion. There are already various talented friars who rush to Chongxiao Pavilion and want to join Chongxiao Pavilion.

Finally, after a variety of screening.

After this competition, ChongXiao pavilion has received more than 20000 talented monks.

After these friars were taken back to Chongxiao Pavilion in Pingding mountains.

Chongxiao Pavilion is the real zongmen.

From then on, the Chongxiao Pavilion sect was not only a powerful sect with the inside information of the powerful Sanpin later monks, but also the owner of the Chongxiao Pavilion. Moreover, because of the injection of fresh blood at all levels. In addition to being powerful, the pavilion is full of vitality and driving force for continuous development.

However, it is precisely because ChongXiao pavilion has harvested enough talented monks to become the biggest winner. It is also because of all other forces that the recruitment of disciples after the challenge competition has obviously failed.

Although there are millions of monks who have come to participate in this competition.

But among them, the number of talented friars in the eyes of various major sects and forces is far less than that.

It's one tenth, one tenth, even a few hundred, and it's almost the same.

Moreover, there are very few of them.

But how many forces are there?

There are more than a thousand.

Now, after being taken away by Chongxiao Pavilion, there are not many talented monks left among those remaining.

Then, it will be even less pitiful if it is shared equally by more than 1000 forces.

When all the people of Chongxiao Pavilion took a spaceship to leave, those influential people looked at the direction of chongxiaoge spaceship, but their eyes were red. Then, almost all of them did not hesitate, and under the leadership of several forces, they automatically gathered together.

"Ladies and gentlemen,"

when all the people got together, an old man stood up and said, "I want to bring everyone together. Everyone knows the reason."

After the old man opened his mouth, everyone just knew it.

However, there is still no one to answer.

At this time, it's better not to be the first bird.

As long as you have a clear idea, and then follow the public with others. If there is a real crisis, don't be bold. Of course, if there is a benefit, the family also wants a share.

The old man had to go on and say, "I think most of the people present can know who I am. pretty good. My name is He Li. This time, I called all the people to come here. I also thought that we had participated in the challenge arena competition, but we had many forces, so we didn't get much at all. What's more, even with the power of harvest, the disciples who have been included in the sect are only a few students with ordinary qualifications. Real top talent, no one.

"This is because of the birth of Chongxiao Pavilion. It affected the interests of all of us present.

"It's hard for me to be convinced