Chapter 2688

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
This time, it was the thin man who first said, "ADA, I and the fat man can agree.

"Now, you can say your way, too.

"Then, we'll let the Lord of the pavilion come and compare it with us. Nature is to be able to compare clearly. Who is the eldest and the youngest among us.

"Ah Da, you should speak quickly."

However, a Da said slowly: "let me first talk about the method that you two talked about for a long time just now. What you have been talking about for a long time just now seems to me to be of no practical use at all.

"The only advantage is that it makes the other person feel more angry and uncomfortable."

Fat man airway: "what we say has no practical benefits. Is it possible that your idea can give us practical benefits? Well, you can tell us, let's all listen to it. What practical benefits can we get from it

Ah Da, however, with a smile of pride, said, "the method I put forward is very simple.

"That is to know roughly how many God stone resources each of them has. Then, in one breath, they will clean up their stone resources. "


Both the fat and the thin took a deep breath.

This is really a big heart.

He was still thinking, to one breath, the other side of those people's God stone resources, all to get out.

That's a good idea.

But I'm afraid you have such a big heart, but you don't have such a good idea.

The fat man said, "ADA, don't blow such a big tone. If you can really come up with such a wonderful idea, I will take you as the boss from my heart

The thin man also said, "it's not just fat people. If you really can come up with such a wonderful idea. Then, I really think of you as the boss from my heart

A Da Dao: "good!

"But first, I need to know how many sacred stones they have in each of them. In this way, I can make up my mind. "

This time, the fat and the thin are not difficult for a big.

The fat man said: "if ordinary monks in the later period of the third grade can have ten thousand God stones, it's amazing. Some of the more powerful and affluent monks in the later period of Sanpin period have about 100000 God stones. And like them, everyone is the person in charge of a big force. Each of them should have about four or five million God stones. As for He Li, there should be about a million stone gods. "

"Good! Now that you know that, it's easy to do it. "

"Now, let's make a plan for their resources.

"The plan, in fact, is quite simple.

"That is to say, the conditions put forward by the fat man in front of him. If you combine the methods you discussed later, it can be regarded as completed. "

After listening to ADA's words, the fat man and the thin man thought again.

Then, they feel it vaguely.

They seem to have caught something.

However, when they still want to make this clearer, they always feel separated.