Chapter 2695

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Ha ha ha

Listen to each other's reported numbers, the fat man's heart is completely happy to bloom.

I just feel that the warehouse of Chongxiao Pavilion is full of divine stones at this moment.

With so many sacred stones.

I'm afraid that in the next few decades or hundreds of years, they only need to replace the won sacred stones with Yuan stones or the resources needed by ordinary friars. There is no lack of resources.

One bet can be enough for a clan to last for decades or hundreds of years.

This is really a big profit.

And each one of them only needs to report the number of divine stones or the number of talented friars who bet against each other. Fat people will write down this person firmly.

When Lin Tianyu won the last game, he had to find these people to collect the stone one by one.

Finally, with the crowd shouting, stop.

Then, the fat man adds up again, the God stone of the other side is in the heart, completely happy to blossom.

However, at this time, the fat man found that he was 117 top monks in the late third grade period. But at this meeting, he only received a note from 114 monks.

Well, there are still three people who didn't bet.

This is clearly waiting to see the battle situation of the gambling fight.

Then they decide whether to bet or not.

That's not going to work.

Where can let such person, occupy such vacancy.

As a result, the fat man's eyes swept away, and he found out the three men and said, "you three, are you betting, gambling, genius friars, or not gambling. If you're gambling, now, you're going to bet. If you don't gamble, please leave here immediately. You don't welcome people who are just spectators. "

One of them said, "what's the matter, if we don't gamble with you, monk genius.". Can't you even have a look here? "

The man's eyes twinkled as he spoke.

He clearly didn't want to bet.

He thought, first of all, to see how the fighting situation between the two sides is.

Then, it's up to him to decide whether to bet or not.

"No way."

The fat man said directly and without any discussion.

The man, however, put his neck up and said, "what's the matter? Is this the place of your home? I'll just stand here for a while and watch the excitement. You are very generous. "

"I'm just broad-minded. What's the matter with you?"

When the fat man said that, he was full of momentum.

Fat man can see clearly.

The other people, the others are already betting.

The three of them haven't made a bet yet. If at this time, I have targeted the three of them again. Then, the rest of the other party will not take the lead for these three people.

In this way, it also gives me the confidence to target the three of them.

The man then said, "well, I'm going to stand here and watch the fun. I'll see what you're doing with me? "

But the fat man turned around and said, "ADA, these three people will be handed over to you and thrown them out."

When the fat man said this, he was very proud.

At the same time, the heart path:

a DA, a da.

I'm in front of the public and I'll save you face.

Hey, hey!

Now, there are three people who don't spend 400000 on gambling.

This bet, but even if you lost.

But immediately, the face of the fat man's satisfaction, is a collection.

He thought of it immediately.

It seems that in this case, they are just tied, OK?