Chapter 2725

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
He Li's words are well founded.

I believe that as long as the mind is a little bit more rational, they will think like he Li.

However, even if they think so.

It's also the same can not resist a greedy heart.

As long as there is a little doubt that Lin Tianyu has won the inheritance palace of physical training, they will surely think that they will investigate this matter thoroughly.


Lin Tianyu's heart crossed with anger:

if he really had the chance to find trouble for the so-called inheritance palace of physical cultivation, he would let these people know what regret is.

Lin Tianyu's body, all of a sudden, there is a killing machine.

He li felt the killing opportunity on Lin Tianyu's body, and his eyes could not help shrinking.

Then, he Li said: "master Lin, you want to kill all those who dare to attack your chance idea under your own black knife.

"But what I want to say is, if it's just the monks on the Shenwu land. The black sword in the hand of Lin Ge Lord is enough to frighten these people.

"However, those who really covet the inheritance Palace are far from the monks on the Shenwu continent.

"Those forces and people, however, are far more terrifying than Lin cabinet master imagined."

Lin Tianyu said: "besides the friars on the Shenwu land, who will there be?"

This and say, Lin Tianyu's voice has some cold.

He Li said: "there will be many divine powers, and they will also care about the ultimate inheritance of the inheritance palace of body cultivation. If it is not for them, they are not suitable to stay in Shenwu land, and every time they come to Shenwu land, there will be a great price. I'm afraid that every time, the birth of the inheritance palace of physical cultivation, those divine powers, will be contested by the lower world.

"But even so, in the past, when this body cultivation inheritance palace was born, there would also be a struggle for the lower boundary of the divine world.

"It's just that later, after experiencing the inheritance palace of the body cultivation, the God Kingdom Da Neng claimed that the ultimate inheritance of this inheritance palace can only be obtained by the monks below the third grade.

"Since then, only a few lower realms have come to snatch the ultimate inheritance of the inheritance palace.

"But if it is at this time, the divine world can hear the news that the body cultivation inheritance palace is finally handed down and born. I'm afraid that all the powerful people in the divine world will come to fight for it in person. "

The struggle for divine power.

Hearing he Li's words, Lin Tianyu thought of that day, when he was in the Tianquan continent, the birth of the Dharma inheritance palace attracted the great powers of the fairyland to fight for it?

However, those celestial powers are not for the sake of the Dharma inheritance palace itself.

They just want to fight for the inheritance palace of Dharma cultivation, and then take it as a guide to win the inheritance palace of spiritual cultivation.

Is it possible that these divine powers are thinking the same way, and they want to take this as a guide to win the inheritance palace of soul cultivation?

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyu asked tentatively, "he Daoyou, I don't know why those divine powers are attracted to such a small temple of physical cultivation and inheritance.

"After all, no matter how to say, the inheritance palace of body cultivation is just the inheritance of friars. In the eyes of the divine power, it must not look down on the common inheritance of monks.

"Is there any other reason why the divine world pays so much attention to the inheritance palace of physical cultivation?"