Chapter 2779

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
"The name of this boxing technique is very common. It's called rock mountain collision directly.

"This gives people the feeling that it is like a peerless bull, facing a mountain and bumping into it head-on.

"But that's the intuitive feeling. But it directly describes the essence of this kind of boxing.

"After that kind of boxing has reached a certain level.

"But it's like a bull bumping into a mountain. In the direction of the fist, even if there is a real mountain to block it, it can easily smash this mountain and forge ahead. "

An indomitable momentum.

Lin Tianyu listened, but there is some heart.

After all, although his sword technique is also powerful. But I really want to talk about it. It's a kind of martial art that exists completely by virtue of technicality.

Almost every knife, no matter how powerful it is.

The first is to attack the other party's vulnerability.

Every time, even if you have a powerful sabre, you will directly cut your opponent out. We can really look at its root. That's where the loopholes are. Let the other party escape no escape. A knife is effective.

In fact, under that kind of sword technique, there is almost no sense of hard hitting with the opponent.

But when we arrived in Shenwu land, we were nourished by the vitality of Shenwu continent.

In Lin Tianyu's heart, there is a kind of breeding. Finding an opponent, relying on his physical strength, will fight against each other and fight for the last time.

As a result, Lin Tianyu also carefully inquired about this boxing technique.

Lin Tianyu said: "this kind of boxing, that indomitable momentum, if you encounter that kind of real martial arts master. Break the power with skill. After finding the loopholes in boxing, can we directly break the boxing without hitting hard? "

Er Dao said earnestly, "master. What makes this set of boxing really brilliant. That is, one punch, there is a feeling of the general trend of the world. In that general trend, in addition to hard hitting, almost all will be affected by that general trend.

"Therefore, it can't be said that no one can break this set of boxing with martial arts. However, it can not be easily broken.

"At least, if the master cultivates this boxing technique to the same level as the sword technique, and then wants to use the master's sword technique to break this boxing technique, it can never be easily done."


It's so powerful.

Lin Tianyu has a deep understanding of his Sabre skill.

If it is said that even his Sabre skill can not be easily broken. Then this boxing technique can almost be called the king of boxing.

Lin Tianyu quickly let Er Dao teach himself the skill of shaking the mountain.

However, after two knives had taught him the skill of shaking the mountain, Lin Tianyu recalled and thought about it in his mind.

However, it is clear that this set of boxing is simply to the extreme.

As long as the opponent is found, without saying a word, he directly blows at the opponent.

If you want to talk about this boxing technique, what is more brilliant.

That is to say, the speed and strength of this boxing technique, when one punch blows out, has completely reached the limit of a boxing technique, making it impossible for the opponent to escape.