Chapter 2836

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
However, he was just a step forward, and felt that someone pushed him back and back.

Even, this retreat, on the contrary, made him stay further away from the door of the spaceship.

As a matter of fact, he is the peak monk in the late third grade.

Who can easily push him out?

But don't forget.

In the army on the side of Dongcheng, there are many top monks in the late third grade period.

Can promote him, of course, is the peak monk of other three grades later.

In front of him, the man tried to run away.

At that time, although he wanted to lose the bet, he escaped to the spaceship. They all looked down on him in their hearts. But after all, he was on his own side. As a result, they can't go too far. Even, quietly gave him a channel out, so that he can quickly through, first back to the spacecraft.

But now, he has spoken.

He could have betrayed the Empire at any time.

So, how can these people of the Empire of Dara give way to him and let him wait to return to the spaceship?

But, not only did not give in at all, but also kept pushing him close to the gate of the spaceship.

Several times later, the man also knew that there was no chance for him to get close to the gate of the spaceship.

He has been directly expelled from the Empire of Darrow.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

When the fat man saw such a situation, he just had no image and laughed.

Others are reserved enough to pay a little attention to the image. But fat people don't care.

The fat man said with a smile: "silly bird, you just now, are not very arrogant? Now, take a look at it. I'm going to let you, a silly bird, see it soon. If you are a silly bird like you, without the protection of other people, you are not as good as a dead dog. "

Listen to the fat man.

The man's face changed even more.

He is the top monk of the third grade.

No matter what kind of influence they are, they are extremely important figures.

If only in some big forces, perhaps, it is not too important. But it will also be reused.

But if it comes to a weaker force.

Like him, the peak monk in the late third grade period, is really an ancestor like figure.

But the old ancestor general character, will be like the fat man said in general, like a dead dog to be caught by the other side.

Although the fat man's words are rude.

However, what he said was really reasonable.

This man can't believe that later, if he is caught by Chongxiao Pavilion and others, he will still treat him kindly.

I'm afraid it will be like what the fat man said.

No way.

Can you just land on the ground and be caught by ChongXiao pavilion.

He had to save himself.

If you want to save yourself with real strength, it is impossible. Moreover, Dongcheng side of the spaceship, is also no longer let him on.

Now he has only one way to go.

That's escape.

As long as he's fast enough to get away.

Well, nobody wants to catch him.