Chapter 2894

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Thin is even more unconvinced way: "boss, even if that Huo City Lord is really so thinking, this also with us to rescue Huo City Lord does not conflict."

A Da Dao: "that is a conflict. And there's a lot of conflict. "

The thin man said, "how can there be conflict? Boss, tell me about it. I really haven't figured it out yet

A Da Dao: "because if Huo City Lord really wants to think like this.

"We are going to rescue Lord Huo. He must not follow us. Because, he Huo City Lord will feel that he really can have the moment to completely wash white for himself. If you leave now. Then, he will never be able to give himself to wash white.

"Think about it.

"Who would like to be in the position of the Lord of a city, good. After being wronged, he gave up the position of city Lord directly. Then, they directly follow others and invest in another force?

"No one wants to.

"As long as he felt that he had a little chance to wash away the dirty water from his body.

"He will do his best to wash white.

"And the Lord Huo must have fantasized. He also had the ability to wash himself white. Even now, Huo City Lord must be starting, all the relations that he can start, go to wash white for himself.

"He's definitely not just waiting for the results to happen.

"And as long as these relationships he's looking for, they haven't given him a final veto. Huo City Lord must be a newspaper will have a certain fantasy.

"At this time, he won't go with us at all. How can we rescue them.

"So we have to wait all the time.

"Then, all the time, the Lord Huo was arrested. Was convicted.

"By that time, he was already completely desperate. We're going to rescue again. Then, he will believe us and follow us. We can really save him. "

After listening to a Da's words, the thin man nodded his head.

Even the fat man nodded.

In front of him, he thought about it from the interests of Chongxiao Pavilion.

However, he did not consider such an aspect of human nature.

The human heart is the most difficult aspect.

If the Lord Huo didn't reach the point of complete despair, it would be exactly like what ADA said.

He won't believe them.

He will not go with them.

After all, if Huo City Lord really can so easily is to follow them to go.

Then, in Chongxiao Pavilion, after he finished the contest with Su Cheng.

Su Cheng has been able to directly persuade Huo city master not to return to Dongcheng.

It doesn't have to be so much trouble.

Even to now, they still have to be fat people, and then rushed to Dongcheng to carry out rescue.

For Ah Da's way of thinking and ideas.

Fat and thin two people are more from the heart, expressed convinced.

At this time, fat and thin two people to a Da full of conviction, and then look back at Hu Si.

They found that Hu Si was not so convinced of ADA as they were. Instead, they were still thinking about it.

This made them angry.