Chapter 2913

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Mr. Wang can't be more clear.

He was about to kill such a fierce man just now.

Mr. Wang thought of it even more.

Why, just now, such a little guy dare to stop him from entering the private room.

It's no wonder that this young man has such courage. It turned out that there was such a great God hiding in the private room.

Here we are.

In Wang Gongzi's heart, not only did not have the slightest resentment that this small guy obstructed him.

All he had in mind was.

Just now, this guy was too light to stop him.

The boy should have been directly and firmly stopped from the private room. Tell him again, in this private room, but there is a super fierce man eating in it. This super fierce man is not just his son Wang. Even if it's the city Lord's house, it's easy to annoy this Lord.

If this guy stops him like this.

I told him the truth.

Then, he must not be so reckless, and he will try his best to provoke such a fierce man.

But he just didn't think about it.

Even if that guy tried to stop him. Can we stop him again?

If the boy really said that. Said there was a fierce man in it. Will he believe it again?

In the whole Dongcheng, his prince can always be regarded as a character who walks sideways.

He needs to be afraid again. Who's coming?

When Wang thought about it, he immediately put a smile on his face.

However, the smile how to see how to feel a kind of awkward.

It's like his smile. It's like crying.

The thin man said again, "well, people like you, now, go straight to death."

"No, no, no, my Lord, spare your life!"

Prince Wang was so scared that he begged for mercy. At the same time, the following patter, scared to urinate all come down.

At this time, Prince Wang suddenly felt his body and suddenly moved back. It was also taken out of the skinny's hand and was not killed by the skinny on the spot.

At this time, there was another man standing beside the prince.

Naturally, this man is Hu Si.

Hu Si said: "stop it first and let him die for the time being."

Hu Si's words are exactly what the thin man said.

Just now, it was Hu Si who suddenly pulled the prince back. He didn't let him die in the thin man's hand.

Hu Si directly said that his life was a dog's life.

Mr. Wang is not only without the slightest resentment. On the contrary, my heart is still grateful.

Whether it's dog life or pig life.

At this meeting, Mr. Wang just thought that he could let himself live and escape the robbery in front of him.

After listening to Hu Si's words, the thin man did not refute.

You know, in front of him, he thin that can play the role of Hu Si's attendant.

Now, the master has spoken.

One of his attendants went to refute with the master. Isn't the loophole too big?

So the thin man simply said, "yes. Let the boy die first. "

Thin said that, and Hu Si together into the private room inside.