Chapter 2956

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Huang Yue hears Huo City Lord to ask so, then, look around to see.

Huang Yue pointed to a direction and said, "Lord, go from this direction. Just ahead, there will be officers and men loyal to the city Lord from the side of Dongcheng, where they will meet the city Lord and leave. "

"Good! Just leave that place. "

Huo City Lord said, no more hesitation.

He had completely lost confidence in the Empire of daruo. Under the control of the seven elders of the ancestral hall. Even if he went back, he would never have his own good fruit to eat. Now, the only thing he could rely on was to escape from here.

And then, again, to be able to come back alive. With their own strength, to understand all this.

Huo City lord left, is still looking back at the person in charge of the Empire of the big Luo one eye, way: "go back, well tell the master behind you. Tell him I'll be back. "

But the person in charge of the Dalao Empire still said in a loud voice: "Lord Huo, don't get deeper and deeper. Follow me back to the capital of the Empire of Darrow. Everything can be said clearly. "

Even at this point.

The person in charge of the daruo empire is still deceiving the Lord Huo to return to the empire with him.

But all his behavior just now, already let Huo City Lord see clearly.

That is really ready, directly will be here, Huo City Lord to be executed on the spot.

How can Huo Chengzhu still believe each other's words?

If you really believe this person in charge of the Empire of Dara. If we follow each other to the Empire of Dara. It is estimated that on the way to the capital of daruo Empire, he Huo city master must be killed on the way by the personnel arranged by the person in charge.

Therefore, at this meeting, Huo city master did not pay more attention to the person in charge of the Dalao Empire, but urged Huang Yue to say: "Huang Yue, hurry to go. You lead the way

Listen to Huo City Lord's words, Huang Yue is also without delay, hurry to lead the way, choose a direction, quickly leave.

While they were still able to hear the sound of fighting behind them as they went on.

Obviously, those people of Zixia sword clan are still there. They can resist the enemy for them and make them escape further.

Huo Chengzhu and Huang Yue naturally could not have wasted such an opportunity and stepped up to escape in the chosen direction.

However, it was only a few hundred miles away when I got away.

Suddenly, from both sides of the road, there appeared nearly 20 peak monks in the late third grade.

As soon as these people appeared, they were just blocking the escape road of Huo City Lord.

And, look at the strength of these people. That is far more than the strength of the personnel of the Dalai Empire who escorted the Lord Huo.

It seems that these people, blocking here, is the real arrangement of the Dalai empire.

At this time, from the opposite group of people, out of a powerful to the extreme of the third grade peak of the monks.

The momentum and strength of its face-to-face oppression and the feeling of strength.

Even, this person is not weaker than he Li, Su Cheng, Huo City Lord and so on.

This person stood there, coldly looked at Huo City Lord and others, as if looking at a group of dead people in general. So he had a calm look on his face. There is nothing else.