Chapter 3036

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Lin Tianyu said so.

And suddenly released such a strong sense of war.

That's because he felt that the power of the snake king was too strong.

Therefore, he wanted to use such a strong sense of war to drive away the temptation of the God snake king.

Otherwise, he is worried about his own mood.

Really will be in such a kind of agitation. During the battle, it was affected.

At this time, his intention to fight must not be defeated.

Otherwise, if it is not supported by such a strong sense of war.

It is very likely that he will not have the determination to fight in the first World War under the strong strength of the other side.


The voice of the king of the snake was also heard directly in Lin Tianyu's consciousness of the sea.

"Since you are so ungrateful. Prepare for the pain of death.

"Your spirit will be drawn out and tempered for millions of years.

"You'll come to the end and ask me to kill you."


Then, the snakes in front of him, just like the tide, surged towards Lin Tianyu. Waves of fierce attacks spread out to Lin Tianyu.

But so many attacks, suddenly toward Lin Tianyu attack.

In addition to what he saw with his eyes.

His divinity can't sense the attack from other directions.

Trapped in this kind of encirclement.

He had no chance of survival at all.

No way.

Can not completely let themselves into.

Lin Tianyu thought, his figure accelerated sharply and rushed to the front. It's still a black sword. Protect yourself with the fist of shaking the mountain. The body method of thousands of illusions and thousands of incarnations is completely driven to the extreme. Let those who attack their own snake, simply can not catch their own shadow.

What's more, as long as Lin Tianyu's speed of impact movement is fast enough.

He is equivalent to, just need to protect against the attack from the front.

At the back and the side, he could get rid of them completely with his fast moving speed.

This method that Lin Tianyu thought of is also a very effective method.

Especially when we just got into the battle of the two thousand snakes, the effect was even more obvious.

We fought all the way.

There is no resistance at all.

However, after a certain distance, they entered the snake array composed of more than 2000 snakes. Lin Tianyu felt that he was fighting like this. It is impossible to see the last hope.

There are too many snakes.

With the battle of Lin Tianyu.

He's just out of the way. But under the hindrance of these serpents.

The snake on the periphery moved again and rushed towards the direction he rushed out.

In this way.

It is almost never possible for him to break out of the super snake array composed of these 2000 snakes.

Unless he can kill all the 2000 snakes.

Or, it's possible to kill most of them.

But his power alone, especially when his divine consciousness is limited, can not work at all.

It is absolutely impossible for him to achieve such a record.

If according to such a method, toward the outside in the past.

He had no choice but to be exhausted and die in the snake formation.

Moreover, in addition to the two thousand snakes, there are ten powerful snakes out there, staring at themselves.