Chapter 3122

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
The leader of the Wu Gang said: "our Tiemu gang has only one hidden manager and me in the early stage of the fourth grade.

"The rest are ten masters, all of whom have the fighting power of the top friars in the late third grade.

"Then, there are hall masters and helmsman, etc.

"See how much fighting power Lin Pavilion master needs.

"As long as Lin Pavilion master gives the number and personnel required, I will try my best to make arrangements for it."

Lin Tianyu said: "gang leader Wu, in fact, this battle. It mainly focuses on high-end combat power.

"The main combat strength should be concentrated on the strength of the early stage of the fourth grade.

"In addition to this cutting-edge combat power.

"Maybe there will be a small number of top monks in the late third grade who will appear on the battlefield.

"But the third level of combat power below the late stage. In such a battlefield, it should not play a role

The leader of Wu Gang said, "well, I'll arrange the chief manager and ten masters to rush to Chongxiao Pavilion immediately."

Lin Tianyu quickly stopped him and said, "leader Wu, you don't have to take all the available fighting power to Chongxiao Pavilion. After all, you tiemubang is a big business. If all the leaders are gone. I'm afraid that the iron and wood gang will easily lead to civil strife. And such a powerful Gang, in case of civil strife. I'm afraid it's out of control. "

Finally, after several discussions.

Leader Wu must go there in person.

At the same time, he also led six powerful leaders to ChongXiao pavilion to participate in the war.

Lin Tianyu was also moved when he saw how the leader of Wu helped Chongxiao Pavilion.

He knows the main reason. It was only because he agreed to the request of the old man in the iron wood forbidden area that the leader of Wu helped.

Therefore, Lin Tianyu decided in his heart. As long as the strength is enough, he must try his best to recover the soul as soon as possible.

Then, Lin Tianyu and Hu Si rushed to Chongxiao Pavilion.

After all, the war is about to start.

In Chongxiao Pavilion, however, there are many things to be arranged.

After returning to Chongxiao Pavilion.

Two Dao is to quickly find Lin Tianyu and say: "master, how did you find this thing?"

But Lin Tianyu quickly let the two knives put away.

The second Dao was taken out. It's not in the forbidden area of Tiemu gang. Did the old man give him that piece of magic wood?

When Lin Tianyu asked Er Dao to be put away, he looked around to make sure that no one was around. No one had found the sacred wood, so he was relieved.

Lin Tianyu said seriously: "Er Dao, in the future, don't take this sacred wood out in front of people.

"Not even a bit of information can be leaked out.

"Otherwise, maybe, it will be like the inheritance palace of body cultivation, causing the covetous heart of others."

However, Er Dao was completely different from Lin Tianyu. He said casually, "master, don't worry. I know the weight. I have also checked. There is no one around here, not even the divine sense. I will take this thing out.

"Besides, this is a branch of the world tree.

"How precious it is. Even if there are some gods above, will covet.

"I don't know what's important."

Listen to Er Dao.

Lin Tianyu finally knew what it was.

It turns out that the trunk of a tree is the world.