Chapter 3224

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
LAN Zu pointed to the place where he was still fighting, and said, "just like now.

"Our Lin Pavilion master just took out the body building inheritance palace, and combined them together, which should be regarded as a collection of unity. In an instant, they were completely divided into different groups and attacked each other.

"This is the essence of dividing the enemy.

"Even if those enemies expect that this is a means of division of our pavilion master.

"But they have to drill in desperately, there is no retreat from the site. Because, as long as a retreat. This time, the key contention from the lower boundary will fall into the hands of others.

"It's something they will never accept.

"So even if they know it's a trap, they have to go inside."

LAN Zu here just finished, wolf Zu there is directly called up.

"This is a fait accompli," cried wolf Zu. I want you to analyze it. What's the use. Can we still make as like as two peas to be once again the same?

But this time, LAN Zu is more real: "if it is true to do it again. I'm sure they'll do the same again

When LAN Zu said this, he was full of confidence.

Because, everyone is selfish and greedy.

Unless, they are all able to restrain this selfish and greedy. Don't fight for the inheritance palace. But all of them came to fight with Chongxiao Pavilion.

But is it possible?

And as long as there is a person's mind shaken.

When he had selfish intention, he wanted to seize the inheritance palace of physical cultivation first.

Then, this person's action will probably lead to the rapid division of the whole team.

is as like as two peas.

But wolf Zu had already been impatient to wait, and cried: "don't fight for these meaningless things. Well, let's talk about the arrangement behind Lin Pavilion leader. I know that Tang Zu and Wu Gang leader are both in the heart. They are inclined to say that you have guessed this matter correctly. But I want to know what you said. What kind of truth is it? "

LAN Zu chuckled and said, "the truth is the same as that of the previous war.

"But it is much easier to carry out such a method later.

"As long as we move according to the time and adjust measures to the conditions of the machine, we can achieve the goal."

The wolf ancestor is impatient way: "then how to move according to the time, adjust measures according to the opportunity? You have to come up with a few specific ways. "

LAN Zu said: "I haven't been able to think of a way that is too specific.

"But in my heart, I also have a general framework.

"And the source of this framework?

"It's from the war that we're in front of us.

"In the end, no matter what the final outcome will be. But it is because of this war that many indelible seeds of hatred have been created among them. As long as we can find a little and make use of it, it will be very easy for them to produce indelible differentiation again. We don't need any more direct strength to win the war. "