Chapter 3255

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Deacon Lu's eyes were cold, and he was ready to say something more.


At this time, a man suddenly stepped forward and said.

"Say it

Elder Wang said in a cold voice.

The man who came forward: "elder Wang."

Look at that look, seem to be thinking, want to let elder Wang stagger a step, say this matter again.

Elder Wang said angrily, "if you have something to say, just let go of your fart."

The man had no choice but to say, "elder Wang, we have carefully examined all the heads thrown out. Then, we found that all the heads that were thrown out were all gods and men sent in by our Dalao heavenly palace. "

"What? Say it again

Wang Chang was angry and angry.

The man had to repeat, "elder Wang, we checked carefully just now. All the people who have been thrown out are from the Dalao heavenly palace. The rest waited, and one did not kill. "


Wang elder one roars: "deceive a person too much!"

If there are people of all forces.

That just shows that the opponent's array is powerful and mysterious.

But now, it's just killing the people of the Dalao heavenly palace. The rest waited, and one did not kill.

What does that mean?

The other party is clearly just aiming at them.

It can be tolerated, but it can't be tolerated.

We must destroy the Chongxiao Pavilion alliance at all costs.

No chicken or dog left!

"Ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha... "

All of a sudden, a burst of wild laughter rang out.

Deacon Lu said one after another: "it's so funny. It turns out that the so-called weakest, the weak, are killed in this array. It's really something. It turns out that the weakest and the weakest are all disciples of the Dalao heavenly palace. That's right. It seems that from the battle with the Chongxiao Pavilion alliance. Those who have been killed are all the disciples of Dalao Tiangong of the weak. "

This is what deacon Lu said.

In front of me, everyone killed by Chongxiao Pavilion alliance, Wangu, Da Luo Tiangong disciple.

Later, more than a dozen people were killed.

However, the man from the Dalao heavenly palace was in the front.

Naturally, he was a disciple of the Dalao heavenly palace.

According to what elder he and elder Wang said just now. The people who have been killed are the weakest and the weakest.

Therefore, they could not even refute what deacon Lu said.

Elder Wang looked at deacon Lu coldly.

Then, the elder Wang turned his cold eyes to he Lao.

That vision inside the killing machine, let be watched he old, only feel a burst of cold all over the body.

However, Deacon Lu didn't take it seriously at all. He continued to read: "old he, this is OK.

"If you have any good reasons, you should argue against your king.

"You'd better explain it to your elder Wang. Let elder Wang understand. You have really affected that array and reduced its power to the same level of the protection array in front of you.

"Otherwise, if your elder Wang is angry, he will directly cut off your head. You can't blame anyone else.

"Ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha... "

Deacon Lu said that, but also wantonly smile.

However, under the eyes of elder Wang, when he was so scared that he felt cold, he hated deacon Lu to death.