Chapter 3267

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Time goes by slowly.

Lin Tianyu is also from the look on the faces of people to see what he wants to happen.

Obviously, they all thought about this place completely, many unreasonable places. I know what the truth is.

And this, plus the hostages trapped inside.

Lin Tianyu is sure.

After a while, they only need to deal with the forces of the Dalao heavenly palace.

As for the rest of them, it is estimated that they will just stand aside and watch the good play.

Lin Tianyu calculated that it would be about the same time when we arrived at the meeting.

Lin Tianyu said, "ladies and gentlemen, please don't interfere with the rest of you. We'll only take care of the Dalao heavenly palace. "

After hearing this, he looked at the faces of Da Luo Tian Gong and others, even elder Wang, but all of them were indifferent.

You Chongxiao Pavilion alliance is powerful, but it is just the array in front of you.

Why, listen to you Lin Tianyu's meaning, is there still a battle of formation?


If you really dare to make a battle.

Even if there are no other forces involved. He also wanted to kill all the people in Chongxiao Pavilion.

After all, with the help of those people in Chongxiao Pavilion, the number of them can't even match that of his Dalao heavenly palace. Moreover, the God state of the lower world is, after all, the person of the lower world. Except for Lin Tianyu, who is so rebellious. The rest of us can't compare with the gods from the real world.

At this time, however, one of them suddenly said, "Lord Lin, you said that the people in each of our forces were only restrained by the array and were not killed. But how do we know that those people in the array are not illusions of the power of the array? "


Lin Tianyu said, "well, what should you do to be sure. What about the real people in your respective forces? "

"It's simple. As long as alliance leader Lin releases them. As soon as we look at it, we will know. "

"Yes, yes, Lin Tianyu, as long as you release all our people. We can guarantee that, after a while, no matter what happens, we will never help the people in the Dalao heavenly palace. "

"Please believe us, and we can swear."

"Even if Lin Meng releases all our people now. At an appropriate time, we can also help the Chongxiao Pavilion alliance to deal with the Dalao heavenly palace, too. "


The crowd began to quarrel.

It's all for Lin Tianyu to release the people who have been controlled in the array.

However, some people's eyes flickered as they said these words.

Lin Tianyu believes that none of them wants to help Daluo Tiangong fight against his Chongxiao Pavilion.

It's just what they're thinking.

Lin Tianyu can also guess out some.

They should be thinking, for a while, when the Chongxiao Pavilion alliance was at war with the Dalao heavenly palace. Once the war gets stuck, it may be their chance.

Do Snipes and mussels compete for each other?

They probably thought that taking advantage of such an opportunity, they could kill the power of the Dalao heavenly palace in one fell swoop, in order to avenge the evil plan made by the elder king and the ancestor of the Dalao heavenly palace.

At the same time, it can also eliminate the Chongxiao Pavilion alliance.

After all, in their eyes, both are enemies now.