Chapter 3272

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo

"What's the matter?"

"How can the people of Chongxiao Pavilion alliance be so strong?"

"Aren't they forty or fifty fewer than us? Why, on the contrary, the strength of the attack completely suppresses us and makes us feel that we have no strength to fight back? "

"No. Their strength, not only from their divine realms, but also from those friars

"Bullshit! What role can friars play in such a war? "

"Well. It's really the power of those friars. If we concentrate on God's realm, we will be completely overwhelmed. "

"Good! Then let me go and kill these friars first. "


Boom, boom

After several fights, the Dalao heavenly palace was suppressed more and more severely.

Gradually, it can be seen from the side of the Dalao heavenly palace.

It really suppressed them.

It is just the effect of nearly a thousand monks on the other side of Chongxiao Pavilion alliance.

They didn't think of it.

In this kind of God war on a large scale, the monk can still play an effect. Moreover, the effect is still so obvious. Even, almost completely played an overwhelming effect on their side of the Dalao heavenly palace.

If you get rid of these friars.

On the one hand, the Dalao heavenly palace is absolutely sure that it can easily crush these sacred realms of Chongxiao Pavilion alliance.

During the battle, the side of the Dalao heavenly palace also sensed the Chongxiao Pavilion alliance. For these friars, they really used it to the extreme.

Of course, they couldn't allow a group of friars to influence the outcome of their great war.

Therefore, on the side of the Dalao heavenly palace, more than a dozen God realms were immediately divided out.

Each one of the gods went to a place where the ChongXiao pavilion was located.

They all felt that they had sent out more than a dozen gods.

Soon, the more than ten friars' battle array on the side of Chongxiao Pavilion alliance will be easily eliminated from the ten holy realms on the side of Dalao Tiangong.

After all, monks are monks and gods are gods.

Don't confuse them.

More than a dozen gods are also full of confidence. When he rushed to the front of the Friar's battle line, he directly launched the most violent attack on the Friar's battle array. Even, there is no protection at all.

In the eyes of these gods, it's just a second killing monk. Is there any need for protection?

What's more, when these ten gods flew to the side of the friars' battle array, they were still participating in the attack on the side of the Dalao heavenly palace.

In that case, it is clear that there is still no response. These gods have come to them.

War is such a weak person, but there are some insults to these sent out gods.

When more than a dozen gods thought so, their swords displayed their most powerful moves and directly attacked the past towards the dozen monks' battle array.

Puff, puff, puff

Then there was a series of sounds.

And with the sound of this, it started to ring.

Everyone's eyes were completely widened at this moment.

What's the situation?

How is this

This is quite different from what they expected.