Chapter 3358

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Among the 28, there was humanity: "what are you talking about?

"Do you want to fight us now?

"I can tell you this weak chicken. Although there are only 28 of us now. There are more than ten thousand people in your Dalao heavenly palace, but the 28 of us are not afraid of you.

"As long as you dare to fight.

"If you don't want to go back to the world of gods and horses again, you will have another chance to live."

At this time, Lin Tianyu, who had quietly hidden out of the tent, was happy in his heart:

I didn't expect that.

The relationship between them is already so tense.

I'm afraid that such a relationship can make them fight without too much guidance.

I just need to make some small events.

In this battle, between them, it is really impossible to stop fighting.

Although these 28 men lost 22 directly in the last World War I, they also lost a lot of pride.

But after all, as a king, it will naturally show some pride from the king in his own body.

Therefore, there is such a kind of unhappiness in the heart, which is really not spit out. And then, with these confidants, but one heart toward Hu Shuangcheng. The relationship between them can almost be described as potential into fire.

This is really wonderful!

Lin Tianyu hid himself quietly and enjoyed himself there.

"Shut up

At this time, Hu Shuangcheng had thought that he would use the words of his subordinates to say something to suppress the so-called 28 kings.

But I didn't expect that the 28 kings were really proud.

I can't stand a little anger at all.

What's more, last time, they fell into the array of Chongxiao Pavilion alliance and had no relationship with themselves at all, right?


Last time, when rescuing them, I did play some small tricks.

I didn't try my best.

Then, the rest of them died in the array.

But I really did not deliberately set a trap to frame them.

I just had my later behavior. Then, there are those words that Lin Tianyu said in public.

In such a case, even if it is how he negates. No matter how to defend, it will not have any effect. And no one would believe his excuses.

Because, don't talk about others.

Even those of his confidants thought that he had set a trap for them, so that they fell into a trap and were finally killed.

Therefore, Hu Shuangcheng did not want to defend this matter at all.

But now, with the pride of these 28 people and their deep misunderstanding of themselves.

I'm afraid that even in the later battles, they can't play any role. It's impossible to stop Lin Tianyu. Even, it is very likely that they have done something extremely unfavorable to their own side of the Dalao heavenly palace.

In Hu Shuangcheng's eyes, there was a flash of fierce light.

He was just thinking.

Should we go ahead and kill these 28 people in order to reduce such an uncertain hidden danger.