Qingyu is in a much better mood after mastering the palm fairy art.

He doesn't have much practice in Ninja, nothing more than strange power, multiple shadow separation, and the palm fairy he has learned now.

The rest of the ninja skills are all from the rewards given by the system after reading the memory.

Now the continuous and rapid learning of Ninja has greatly improved his self-confidence.

"Now it's chakra scalpel's turn!"

In the process of practicing palm fairy, Qingyu more or less thought about chakra scalpel, and gradually understood why the master said that medical ninjas who learned palm fairy might not master chakra scalpel.

It is not simply to gather chakra on the palm of his hand and show a sharp blade. After all, it is not completely used as an attack weapon.

Chakra scalpel has very strict requirements for the control of chakra. This is medical ninja, not combat ninja, not destructive, but requires fine constraints on the sharpness.


A little carelessness may cause the patient's death.

What needs chakra scalpel to cut are the meridians and muscles of the body. The purpose is to treat, not destroy, but this does not mean that chakra scalpel has no destructive power!


Qingyu raises her right hand.

Controlling chakra to converge on his right hand.


There was a faint wave on Qingyu's right hand, and then a thin layer of blue chakra covered his right hand.

"Is this chakra scalpel?"

Qingyu looks at his right hand and suddenly feels a little unbelievable.

"So simple?!"

Qingyu took a deep breath and tried to calm his complex mood. Learning too fast made him a little unable to believe whether he really learned it.

Compared with palmistry, chakra scalpel needs more chakra control ability, and this ability is what Qingyu is particularly good at.

this moment.

Qingyu's hand controls a very fine chakra scalpel, and can feel the extremely flexible chakra at his fingertips.

Through the chakra scalpel.

He can cut it very carefully.

It can be used not only for surgery, but also for fighting. Only when he saw that there seemed to be a more suitable way to fight.


It's still pretty good!

"Now you have learned the palm Fairy Art and chakra scalpel. If you go directly to the master of compendium, I'm afraid it's a little too fast..."

Qingyu muttered to himself.

Now he must be a little more restrained, just let the master know that his talent is OK, otherwise it will be too shocking.

"Then... Continue to study the memory of Qi Mu Shuo Mao!"

Qingyu raises his hands again, crosses his fingers into a cross and performs the art of multiple shadow separation.

Then follow the previous way.

Through the disguise of the art of God's paper.

Start reading memories and learning from past experiences.


Seven days later.

Qingyu came to the grove early and didn't use multiple shadows to read his memory.

During this period, he just analyzed his memory for three days and took a day off, and then analyzed his memory for three days and took a day off.

Now it's time for a rest day.

It is the ten day deadline agreed with the master.

Qingyu sat leisurely on the branch, waiting for the master's arrival. He didn't waste these days, nor did he study other ninja.

Let's wait until the master's special training is over!

Not long.

The master's figure appeared in the grove and came into Qingyu's sight.

"Master teacher!"

Qingyu said hello to the master on the branch, and then his figure jumped and fell on the opposite side of the master.

"Qingyu, how are you practicing recently?" When the master saw Qingyu, she smiled. She wanted to ask this question, but she didn't dare to ask this question.

After all

If Qingyu says something too exaggerated.

It is likely to subvert her cognition.

This made her follow carefully. She made full psychological preparation before coming, and then asked.

"Master of Arts, if there is no accident, I have learned the palm Fairy Art and chakra scalpel." Qingyu said with a smile.

Sure enough!

The master's heart pounded wildly.

As she expected.


This is genius!

Genius in genius!

It took only ten days to learn palmistry and chakra scalpel!

It's embarrassing for others


The master took a deep breath and slowly spit it out. His full chest fluctuated constantly between spitting and breathing.

"Qingyu, show me."

The master stared at Qingyu with wide eyes. She decided to see with her own eyes the ability she mastered by the incredible cultivation speed.

For her.

Want to master these two medical Ninjutsu in ten days.

It's impossible!

She has never seen such a person!


She was not too surprised. After she witnessed Qingyu's rebellious chakra control ability, she took it for granted.

Rao is so.

Still shocking.


Qingyu nodded, narrowed her eyes slightly and listened to what was happening.


Qingyu's eyes suddenly opened.

His right hand quickly took it out of the tolerance bag, grabbed Four Swords in his hand and threw it into the grass not far behind.


Qingyu's ankle suddenly made a force, and the whole person rushed towards the grass at a very fast speed.

Such a scene.

Immediately surprised the master's face.

I don't know what Qingyu is going to do.

Just for a moment.

Qingyu picked up a brown hare in the grass.

The hare was fat and strong. The hare was blocked in the front, back, left and right directions just now by the sword in his hand. He had no escape position at all, so he was directly caught by Qingyu.

"Master Kong, I'll take this rabbit to show the palm fairy art. In order to avoid seeing blood, I'll cause a little internal injury."

Qingyu took the hare and walked towards the master. When he walked, the strength in his hand was a little careless and broke the rabbit's hind legs.


The hare screamed in pain, and his fat body shook in Qingyu's hand. He wanted to break free, but he was powerless.

"Don't be afraid. I'm a medical ninja. Now I'll treat you to ensure that you won't have any problems."

Qingyu's eyes fell on the rabbit's bent hind legs. His left hand carried the rabbit and his right hand touched the rabbit's hind legs.


At this time, the inexperienced Qingyu realized a very serious problem.

The hind legs of rabbits are not big.

There must be no way to compare with human legs.

If palm fairies are used

Then the scope of treatment is too large and needs to be controlled.


Qingyu turns to think about it. On his right hand, he turns his finger from the palm and uses his thumb and index finger to face the broken leg of the rabbit. You are hungry.

Just as Qingyu's fingers were about to touch the rabbit to retreat, there was a green chakra light on his right thumb and index finger, which was suffused with extremely soft power.

"This is..."

The master watched such a scene and set off a huge wave in his heart.

This is no longer a simple palm fairy.

Chakra of palmistry is precisely concentrated on two fingers, and local treatment is carried out through the fingers.

What a powerful chakra control it needs!

This can't be called palm magic. It's simply called finger magic!

For a moment.

The master's beautiful eyes stared at Qingyu's fingers.

The two fingers glowed with green chakra light and showed extremely flexible power. After pinching the hare's hind legs back to normal state, they stroked along the fur section by section.

After one.

As if again.

Qingyu's fingers kept repeating up and down, gently treating the rabbit's hind legs bit by bit.

Although the manipulation is slightly green and tender, it is patient enough and still has a very strong therapeutic effect.

In a few minutes.

Because of the recovery effect brought by Qingyu's powerful chakra, the bones of the hare's hind legs have been reconnected and intact, as if they had never been broken.

Qingyu squats down.

Put the hare on the ground and patted the hare on the back.

"Be careful later!"

Say it.

Qingyu loosened the hare.

For a moment, the hare ran for his life, and there was no shadow at that time.

"Master Kong, my palm fairy art is OK. After treatment, the broken leg rabbit can jump around!" Qingyu said with a smile.

"Yes... Very much..."

The master took a hard blow from the corner of her mouth, and her eyes still focused on Qingyu's fingers.

What a magical finger it is!

Can control such a fine chakra!

You know

The more the position of the peripheral nerve such as fingers and toes, the greater the requirements for chakra's control ability, and the more difficult it is to control.

Now Qingyu has made great achievements.

Has greatly exceeded her expectations.

"You are already very good!"

The master's thinking has stagnated. Since she taught Qingyu for the first time, she suddenly felt that there was nothing to teach for the special training that she thought would not be completed in three months.

"Master of Arts, let me show you chakra scalpel again!"

While Qingyu was talking, he walked towards a nearby tree. On his raised right hand, a weak cicada wing like blue chakra blade suddenly appeared.


Qingyu's right hand crossed, like a knife falling from his hand.

A branch was directly cut off and fell to the ground. The section was very neat and there was no sign of obstruction at all.

"Good... Good... Good..."

The expression on the master's face is very strange. She doesn't know what words to praise Qingyu. Everything in front of her is impacting her cognition.

"Hey, hey..."

After hearing the master's praise, Qingyu pretended not to see the master's surprised expression and scratched his head with his right hand.

It's time to cool yourself down.

Qingyu thinks very clearly.

We should not only show a certain talent and let the master know his strength, but also not be too strong.


The most effective way is to impose restrictions.

"In fact... Master of compendium... How to say..."

Qingyu still has a smile on her face, but her tone is not so confident. It seems that there is something difficult to hide.

"What's the matter?" A big question mark suddenly appeared in the master's head.

"When I was learning strange power, palm fairy and chakra scalpel, I tried all of them, but..." Qingyu said here with a slight tone and sold it for a big pass, which directly attracted the master's attention.

"But what?" The master's curiosity became stronger, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and an ominous premonition came out of his heart.

"I only have my right hand to control chakra at will!" Qingyu pursed her lips and said. From the expression on her face, it seems that she has a lot of courage.

"Only the right hand?" The master stared at him, and the shock in his eyes became stronger.

"Yes, only the right hand." Qingyu nodded and added a framework to his talent in this way.