"Since you're not tired at all, help me with a line." Said situ Ye.

"Ah? Now Li shengxia quickly returns to God to see situ Ye.

"Well." Situ ye said, "we've spoken the lines before, just as well as before. It's going to be filmed tomorrow, and I haven't even had time to go through it. "

"I'm sorry you came to see me so busy."

"I'm sorry about who we are. I don't miss you. As soon as I hear that you are working in city a, I rush to come over and rub your meal to increase friendship. "

"Cut..." Mo Nianchen silently uttered a cold hum

Li shengxia feels inexplicably cold She thinks too much!?

Situ Ye looks at Mo Nianchen sideways. How can the man next to him feel gloomy!?

Situ Ye didn't pay much attention to Mo Nianchen. He handed the script to Li shengxia, "well, you can read it according to the lines of the heroine."

"Good." Li shengxia took over the line book and readily agreed, but as soon as she opened the script, she was stunned. "Situ, how did you suddenly change your route and take on the romantic drama?"

This line is too much

She regretted that she had answered so quickly!

Situ Ye casually said: "the market needs to be, occasionally play some small love to serve as a welfare for fans."

"It's really generous. If I'm a fan, I'll have to scream for days."

"Ha ha, I'm by your side, and I haven't seen you scream. What do you scream like? Let's demonstrate one."

“…… Don't make any noise. "

"Ha ha, I'm kidding." Situ ye said with a smile, "are you ready for me to start?"


Situ Ye suddenly reaches out and presses Li shengxia's shoulder. Li shengxia is startled. Do you want this!!

She wanted to dodge at once, but he pressed her gently

Then, his voice came to her ears

Situ ye said, "you enter the stage!"

"Well Well... " Li shengxia replied unnaturally.

Situ Ye raised his eyebrows: "look at my eyes!"

Li shengxia looks at situ Ye's eyes and feels that there is a pair of cold eyes staring at him behind his back

How weird!

Why does she have the feeling of falling into the ice cellar.

"I like you..." Situ Ye looks into Li shengxia's eyes and says earnestly.

His eyes are glowing, so blazing, as if to be ignited, fierce and sincere.

It's too fast and too deep for situ. Li shengxia has a flash.

It was just when Li shengxia was about to speak his lines.

Bang -

Mo Nianchen suddenly bumps stu ye at a very good angle. He falls sideways behind the back of the driver's seat.

The driver was so scared that the car almost skidded

The whole vehicle was bumped to seven meat and eight vegetables.

Situ ye even said, "I said that master should drive carefully and drive slowly. Don't frighten my friend."

The driver's master is very innocent. His driving skills are very good! He didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, he felt a strange elasticity

Li shengxia frowned slightly.

Just now, I looked at Xia Sheng and said, "no, I coughed again

"Well." Li shengxia blushed and nodded reluctantly.

This time, situ Ye changed his posture.

When he turned to look at Li shengxia, he firmly held his seat and completely blocked Mo Nianchen behind him

Si Tu Ye thinks of a more affectionate action and reaches out to hold Li shengxia

"I, like..."

Before the word "you" is out of the mouth, situ Ye feels that he has been hit in the back. The whole person leans forward to the left, but he almost doesn't fall out.

Seeing this, Li shengxia reaches out and grabs situ Ye.

"Situ, are you ok? You also said whether I am tired or not, I say you are too tired to film. If you want to sit still, you will be sitting right now. It is so dangerous. "

"Do you care about me?" Situ Ye smiles brightly.

Mo Nianchen was suddenly murderous.

"I'm worried about my personal safety." Li shengxia said, "if you don't go back and talk to your lines again, it's too dangerous to stagger along the way."

"For the last time..." Situ ye said, "I don't believe in evil. I'll call you by your name


"Summer, I like you. Be my girlfriend."

"Insane!" Suddenly a voice came out.

"Who do you like?""Insane!"

"Wow, happiness is so sudden." Situ ye said that he wanted to hold Li shengxia. However, at this moment, he suddenly found that something was wrong

He turned to Mo Nianchen

"You, how do you know the lines?"

The person who talked to himself just now is not Li shengxia, but this gloomy man!

“……” Mo Nianchen's mouth twitches. What, is he right about the lines!? He just wanted to express his displeasure!! "Are you sure it's a line?"

"Yes, yes, you are amazing. You can guess what I think without reading the lines. Is it amazing? Do you feel that I have found a bosom friend... "

Mo Nianchen said: It's just that you're a psychopath!

"My name is situ Ye. Nice to meet you." Situ Ye greets Mo Nianchen. So far, few people can guess his lines. Mo Nianchen is definitely the first one!

“……” Mo Nianchen ignored him lightly. I don't know what he is happy about. Can't you see that others are not happy!?

Li shengxia didn't respond to Mo Nianchen for a long time. He was embarrassed and said to situ ye, "OK, situ, let's talk about the lines later. It's almost coming."

"Yes." Situ Ye accepted the script and swept through the window happily, "Dexing Road, do you live in this street?"


"Will you live here in the future?"

"Well, at least half a year."

"Not bad!" Situ ye said: "I've been filming in a city recently. How about coming to your house for dinner when I'm free?"

“…… Ah? " What a surprise? This guy's brain circuit is really different from that of ordinary people. A big star actually wants to come to her house for dinner.

"Is it a surprise!? Don't get too excited, just keep it in your heart. " Situ Ye raised his eyebrows and said.

“……” Silence. She just wondered why so many people like to go to her house recently.

"How nice Seeing that she didn't speak, situ Ye immediately said with a smile when she agreed.

Situ Ye is laughing, but the atmosphere in the car is so strange. Li shengxia can feel the strange aura emanating from the position and direction of Mo Nianchen.

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