The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death.

But I stand in front of you, but you don't know I love you.

The furthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you and you don't know I love you.

But love to obsession, but can't say I love you.

The furthest distance in the world is not that I can't say I love you.

But think you pain through the heart, but can only be deeply buried in the bottom of my heart.

The furthest distance in the world is not that I can't say I miss you.

But love each other, but can't be together.

The furthest distance in the world is not to love each other but not be together.

But clearly in love, but pretending not to care.


The furthest distance in the world is the distance between birds and fish,

A flying in the sky,

One is deep under the sea!


February 14, 2016, Valentine's day, 11:17 p.m.

Lu Chen wrote a poem entitled "the furthest distance in the world" on his blog.

He wrote at the end of this blog post: I would like to dedicate this poem to all the fans of blue life and death love. I wish all lovers in the world become family members, and true love will not be separated by distance!

Because of the ending of blue life and death love, Lu Chen's blog became the focus of attention of countless people that night. Therefore, when his poetry blog was published, it immediately attracted a large number of clicks, comments and forwarding.

Today, no one can question Lu Chen's talent in music. He not only sings. He also composed music and lyrics. All his works came from his own hands and never lent them to others.

A "blue life and death love" let everyone see his strength in literary creation and performance, as a rising star in the circle. Lu Chen's rise and popularity is really convincing.

However, critics always exist, whether they are jealous, jealous or have ulterior motives. There are many voices criticizing Lu Chen on the blog, mainly on his serial novel blue life and death love.

What dog blood, affectation, affectation Some so-called literati despise Lu Chen's novels.

Lu Chen never responded to these voices of doubt and criticism.

There are many right and wrong people. If he has been unknown all the time, no one will spray at all. Since he has stepped into the entertainment industry and wants everyone to like it, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream!

He does his own business seriously and tries to run his own business.

The furthest distance in the world is also Lu Chen's first real poem.

In his dream world. This poem has many stories. The original creators have different opinions, and then spread on the Internet, resulting in many versions, which has become a classic familiar to countless people.

Lu chenlai used this song to complete the final publicity of "blue life and death love", which is both a memory and a memorial.

There is a more distant distance in the world than life and death. It is not the span of time, nor the inclusion of the universe in space. But the most insurmountable distance, the distance between hearts.

Life and death are a distance that can never be integrated, but close at hand is like a stranger. It is a more distant distance between the heart of a single lover and the person he loves.

It is an eternal regret to fall in love but can't get along, and a lover can't become a family member.

The distance between lovers, who love clearly but don't put it in their heart, is a contradictory and painful distance from their heart. The farther distance than this is the indifference of the heart. It is contempt for love. It is to dig an uncrossable ditch facing the people who love themselves and refuse love far away from the furthest distance in the world.

Distance can produce beauty, but such a furthest distance in the world is painful.

Lu Chen wants this TV play and this poem to let people understand how precious and rare it is to be able to love and love together. Cherish what you have, so that you won't regret after losing it.

He wants this Valentine's day to have a different connotation because of his own existence!

The reputation of a good poem takes time to ferment, but for fans, especially real fans, this song "the furthest distance in the world" undoubtedly gave them the most special feeling and instantly hit their hearts.

Especially after just watching the finale of blue life and death.

The feeling is particularly profound.

"The furthest distance in the world is that I stand in front of you, but you don't know I love you!"

"Xiao Lan, I love you!"

"I really want to cry. Lu Chenda, you are too bad. Why do you want to do this!"

"This is the saddest Valentine's day I've ever had."

"I think the meaning of the blogger's poem is to let the people around us cherish know that the truth is hard to find."

"Good poetry doesn't explain."

Many fans left messages, comments, praise and forwarding under Lu Chen's poem.

Some bloggers who don't listen to Lu Chen's song and haven't seen "blue life and death love" feel deeply when they see the "the furthest distance in the world" forwarded by others.

In today's era, poets are very different, even ridiculed.

In particular, modern poetry, in the eyes of many people, belongs to that kind of special minority and boring thing, and belongs to the self entertainment of a small group of literati, so that some people say that they can write poetry as long as they know how to knock back.

The era of poetry has long gone, and a great variety of entertainment has filled the lives of modern people. Their spiritual needs do not need to be met through poetry.

And really good poetry, poetry that can move people's hearts, will also disappear!

Lu Chen's "the furthest distance in the world" can no doubt brighten people's eyes. It is meaningful and profound to read it carefully. For those who understand poetry, it is simply shocking.

However, good poetry needs to be tasted. Therefore, in addition to Lu Chen's fans, other people's comments are still brewing, but the influence has been generated and is being transmitted at an amazing speed.

After publishing this poetry blog, Lu Chen didn't continue to pay attention to his blog. He turned off his computer, cooked some supper to satisfy his hunger, and then went to the bathroom to take a hot bath.

Valentine's day in 2016, let's go.

Pop! Pop!

Just as he was about to lie in bed to rest, the door of the room was suddenly knocked.

Who is it so late?

Without thinking about it, Lu Chen went straight to open the door.

The next moment, a charming figure rushed into his arms, and the familiar fragrance rushed into his nose.

Lu Chen instinctively hugged the uninvited guest and heard an intoxicating whisper in his ear.

"I love you!"

Hearing this sound, Lu Chen felt as if he had the whole world.

Nothing more.


Note: the originators of the furthest distance in the world are Tagore and Zhang Xiaoxian. The latter is evidenced by published works and the adaptation of Cheng Dongwu. This paper selects one version.

PS: the title of the chapter in the previous chapter scared many people. Cough, the author Jun is guilty, but the author Jun can tell you what is impossible for eunuchs. Because the book has a high subscription of 9000 + and is expected to break 10000, so here we ask for a subscription to the first chapter of VIP. Once the high subscription breaks 10000, we will send you a big red envelope!!! (to be continued)