"Let me show you."

Lin ruofeng frowned, then took off her high-heeled shoes in the voice of the little beauty.

"Don't move. I'll help you."

Lin ruofeng spoke seriously.

Sure enough, the little beauty is obedient and honest.

Originally, a strange man suddenly took off her high-heeled shoes. The little beauty was still very shy. She wanted to shout out an insult, but when she saw Lin ruofeng's extremely serious look, she couldn't call out.

From Lin ruofeng's serious look, she felt that Lin ruofeng really wanted to help her, not to belittle her.

One hand gently holding the little beauty's silk stockings jade feet, the feeling of no more than silky makes Lin ruofeng's heart slightly swing.

Lin ruofeng shakes his head in a funny way. Does he have foot fetishism? Although Lin ruofeng doesn't think she has a foot fetishism, she must admit that the little beauty's feet are very beautiful, not too big or too small, and her feet are very soft. Her five toes are long and thin, wrapped in thin black silk. When she is promoted, she can clearly see the red nail polish on her toenails.

Lin ruofeng stopped thinking about the useless things, and began to walk on her little feet with her other hand.

"Ah, it hurts --"

when Lin ruofeng pinches her muscle to the place where she sprains, the little beauty can't help crying.

Listening to the particularly attractive voice, Lin ruofeng trembled in his heart and his body.

I'll go!

Do you want to make it so attractive?

He took a deep breath and suppressed his desire. Lin ruofeng gently pressed all his steps and said, "it's OK. I didn't hurt the bone. It's just a slight muscle sprain. I'll give you a massage and it won't hurt any more."

Little beauty opened her mouth, subconsciously want to refuse Lin ruofeng, but Lin ruofeng has begun to massage in her sprained place.

With Lin ruofeng's massage, the little beauty felt a warm and comfortable feeling coming from the place where she sprained. When she got to her mouth, she swallowed it again.

"Ah ~"

whenever she is very comfortable, the little beauty will make a very attractive voice.

Every time she cried out, she was extremely shy.

Finally, five minutes later, Lin ruofeng released his palm and put the high-heeled shoes back on the little beauty's feet.

"Well, do you want to see if it still hurts?"

Lin ruofeng said with a smile.

With the release of Lin ruofeng's hand, the little beauty suddenly felt a sense of loss.

The feeling of loss, little beauty himself was scared a big jump, how is this?

Shaking her head, the little beauty no longer thinks much, but stands up according to her words.


After trying to walk two steps, the little beauty's eyes suddenly sent out an inexplicable look.

It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt at all.

It's amazing.

She had the experience of sprain before, but it took several days for the pain to disappear completely. Unexpectedly, this time, Lin ruofeng just helped her massage for a few minutes, and the pain disappeared completely.

"Thank you, thank you."

Looking at Lin ruofeng, the little beauty blushed and said in a low voice.

"You're welcome."

Lin ruofeng shook his head, but his face was dignified and asked, "are you easy to sprain your feet?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

Little beauty is very surprised, she is really easy to sprain her feet, basically every month.

"You have a big problem."

Lin ruofeng has a dignified face.

"Ah? You, don't scare me. What's wrong with me? "

The little beauty lost her face for a while. Looking at Lin ruofeng's dignified look, she didn't seem to be faking. Her heart was even more upset.

"I didn't scare you."

Lin ruofeng shook his head and said, "I ask you, when you go home, do you sometimes feel pain in your knees or waist?"

"Ah? You, how do you know? "

Little beauty suddenly stare big eyes, a pair of hell look.

Sometimes she does feel this way, but she just thinks it's because of working hard. Now it seems that it's not the same thing.

"I guess from the massage I gave you just now."

Lin ruofeng sat back on the sofa and said seriously, "when I gave you a massage just now, I found that the skin of the front half of your sole was thicker than that of the back half."

"Why?" "That's because if you wear high-heeled shoes for a long time, your feet will slide forward, and your feet will squeeze into the narrow space in the front of the high-heeled shoes, which will make the sole form a new pressure point, mainly concentrated in the front half of the sole. Under long-term friction, the skin there will be very thick, which is one of the disadvantages of wearing

high-heeled shoes for a long time." "That's the change. I know that you wear high-heeled shoes for a long time. When you wear high-heeled shoes, your pelvis leans forward and your waist leans back. If you wear high-heeled shoes for a long time, it is easy to cause lumbar muscle strain, so you will feel pain in your waist. In addition, after wearing high-heeled shoes, you can't stand and walk as you want, and you can't walk as you wantThe body's reaction coordination ability is reduced, and it is also prone to lumbar sprain

"On the other hand, due to the change of the load line, it is difficult for the ankle to function normally. As a result, the extra work is done by the knee, which increases the pressure on the knee and aggravates the wear of the knee cartilage, which will cause pain in your knee."

After listening to Lin ruofeng's narration, the little beauty turned pale. I didn't expect that she had so many problems wearing high heels.

"Well, what shall we do?"

The little beauty was a little flustered, "I need to wear high-heeled shoes because I work at the front desk, and it's really nice to wear high-heeled shoes."

"Don't panic."

Lin ruofeng said, "this is a symptom caused by excessive wearing of high heels. It can be improved gradually."

"How can it be improved?"

Excited, the little beauty grabs Lin ruofeng's hands directly.

"How can this be improved?" Lin ruofeng kneaded the little girl's greasy hand and said, "first of all, you should control the heel height of high-heeled shoes. When choosing high-heeled shoes, the heel height should not exceed 3.8 cm as far as possible. Secondly, you'd better add insoles in high-heeled shoes. In this way, you can reduce the pressure of shoes on the foot joints. Finally, I think you can apply for the company to provide shoes If you buy a chair with high feet, put it behind the desk at the front desk and sit more, so as to minimize the time of standing all the time. If you spend less time standing, whether it's feet or knees, you will bear less pressure

a lot. "

"Thank you. Thank you for your advice."

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

However, in addition to thanking, the little beauty also has a very strange feeling.

Lin ruofeng is a big man. I didn't expect to know so much about women's high heels.

At this time, she was very curious about Lin ruofeng. What on earth does he do?