"Let me take out the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box, even if you are dead, you can close your eyes!"

Turning his eyes to Lin ruofeng, the dark devil emperor raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and spoke in a cold voice.

"Don't worry! You will die before me

Lin ruofeng took out one golden pitching after another to resist the attack of the dark devil emperor, and spoke in a cold voice.

At this stage, his strength is slightly lower than that of the Diablo emperor, so he has been passively defending against the attack of the Diablo emperor.

When the time comes, the dark dragon will die together!

"Hey - ignorant thing, you can only say that you know nothing about the way of energy output!"

The dark devil emperor sneers and claps his hands at Lin ruofeng again. The Black Mist sprays out.

This time, however, something strange happened.

The black fog photographed by the dark devil emperor actually coagulates in front of him and finally turns into a ferocious Western dragon with meat wings.


When the Western dragon appeared, it was able to make a ferocious sound. Then, it flashed its wings and attacked Lin ruofeng.

Lin ruofeng's face changed. Unexpectedly, the dark devil emperor was able to turn the energy into a dragon.

"Well! No matter how it changes, it's not energy? Do you have eggs? Look at Lao Tzu's constant response to all changes! "

Lin ruofeng snorted coldly, and clapped his hands at the same time. Suddenly, two black drills were pounding against the winged Western dragon.

The next moment, however, Lin ruofeng's face changed.

Because, he found that the Western dragon made of energy could avoid his two golden pitching.

At this moment, Lin ruofeng was really shocked.


At the critical moment, Lin ruofeng suddenly rushed out to the slanting thorn.

However, despite this, he still felt pain in his shoulder blade, and blood shot out in an instant.

Grass! At this time, Lin ruofeng was shocked. He had just been caught in the shoulder by the claws of the Western dragon made of energy. Although the Western dragon was made of energy, he felt as if he had been caught by a real dragon. Even he could feel the claws in the flesh and blood, the feeling of tearing.

"As I said, if you force me to use my unique skill, you can close your eyes even if you die!"

The dark demon emperor is cold hum. He didn't know about the use of energy before.

Just yesterday, after being seriously injured by Jin Tailong, in order to make the injury recover faster, he gritted his teeth and went deep into the mysterious black hole deep in the dark temple. This way of controlling energy was obtained in the mysterious black hole.

At the end of the dark hall, there is a very mysterious black hole, which spreads straight to the center of the earth.

Dark magic hall, has been spraying black fog, is from this mysterious black hole.

How deep and where does this mysterious black hole lead to? This question can't be solved by the dark lords of all ages.

Obviously, the dark hall can develop slowly because of the existence of this mysterious black hole.

Therefore, for the mysterious black hole, there has always been a sense of awe in the dark hall.

At this time, under the pursuit of the winged Western dragon, Lin ruofeng was extremely embarrassed. On his body, he had been caught by the dragon's claws in several places, with bloodstains.

Fortunately, at present, no life is in danger.

An energetic Western dragon entangles Lin ruofeng. Now, the dark devil emperor finally has a chance to free his hand.

"I said, you hidden dragon group, everyone must die! Ha ha - die, bear the anger of the Western dragon

The dark devil emperor laughs and uses his energy to conjure up two Western dragons to rush at Meng Yanfeng, yunbao and others.

However, it is obvious that these two Western dragons are a little darker than the one above Lin ruofeng's head.

Obviously, it is not so easy for the Dark Lord to use the energy in his body to conjure up a Western dragon.

It's already a limit for the Dark Lord to conjure up three Western dragons.

However, as these two Western dragons joined the battle circle, the war situation gradually tilted.

"Ah! What the hell

Meng Yanfeng let out a low cry. He only felt a burning pain in his back. If he didn't move faster, he would have been badly hurt by the Western dragon.

"Damn it! Is this a special one? "

Clouded leopard low call, at this time, his left arm, blood dripping, has a very obvious paw print.

Under the attack of two Western dragons, many people in the hidden dragon group began to suffer casualties.

Encounter this kind of strange things, for a moment, really can't crack.

"Long live the Dark Lord!"Seeing the great power of the Diablo emperor, one person turned the whole war situation around. The people in the Diablo hall were like chicken blood. The image of the Diablo emperor in their heart was bigger and bigger.

This is not the way!

Lin ruofeng tried to avoid the attack of the dragon.


At this time, Lin ruofeng felt that since the dark emperor could use his dark power to transform the Western dragon, why could he not?

What did he just say?

He said he knew nothing about the way energy was delivered.

So, what is the way of energy output?

Thinking of this, Lin ruofeng suddenly had some knowledge about the way of energy output.

The trough!

Lin ruofeng was even more startled. He realized that he had just accidentally touched the knowledge in his mind.

It turns out that the inheritance in his mind, as well as some special knowledge inheritance, needs to be triggered by himself.

"Ouch, lying trough!"

At this time, Lin ruofeng suddenly showed his teeth and gave a painful cry. Just now, he suddenly had knowledge about the way of energy output in his brain. Because he was so shocked, he moved slowly. As a result, he was scratched by the dragon's claws on his arm, and the blood shot quickly.

"NIMA, I'll kill you!"

Lin ruofeng is furious. Now, he has completely absorbed the knowledge of energy output.

Sure enough, his previous attack method of shooting energy competition was a waste of energy.

It turns out that mental power and energy can be integrated, and then specific things can be thought out in the brain, either biological or non biological, and energy can be almost materialized. In this way, although the visualized things are composed of energy, they have some characteristics of visualized objects.

For example, what the Dark Lord imagined was the Western dragon. After understanding the way of energy output, Lin ruofeng couldn't help thinking, what do you want to think of?