With the collapse of the third team, only the team led by noetsky, one of the twelve envoys, was left.

"Contact the last team!"

Lin ruofeng immediately ordered Xiusi to strike while the iron was hot and destroy the last team, so as to cut off any thoughts of the sun moon god religion.

In front of Lin ruofeng, Hughes contacted norotsky. Soon, the phone was connected.

"Hello - what's the matter?"

After the phone was connected, a low and old voice came from the phone.

"God - God emissary!"

Facing norotsky, Hughes was still a little nervous. He swallowed his breath and said, "we, we found the place where the dragon vein is suspected."


On the phone, the old voice suddenly raised and said, "what are you talking about? Did you find the place suspected to be the place of dragon vein? Where is it? "

"In, in a mountain range on the outskirts of Haitian city!"

Hughes's serious nonsense.

"Good, ha ha, good!"

Norotsky laughed for a moment, then suddenly said, "did you tell xuneng the news?"

"No - no!"

Hughes said hastily, "the first person I contact is you, or I will continue to use the magic power now?"

"No, don't contact him!"

Nootsky quickly opens his mouth and interrupts Hughes. Later, maybe he felt that his attitude was too urgent, so he explained: "as you said just now, you just suspect that it's the place of dragon veins. In case, what you find is not the place of dragon veins, let Xu Neng drive over from a long distance. If Xu Neng gets angry, can you bear his anger?"

"The emissary said yes!"

Hughes said hastily, "then I won't tell the virtual energy God envoy. I'll wait for you to come!"

"Yes, that's it!"

"I'll get there as soon as I can," norotsky said in a low voice

After hanging up the phone, Lin ruofeng turns his eyes to Lin ruofeng.

"Very good!"

Lin ruofeng clenched his fist and said, "keep in touch with him all the time. If you have any questions, let us know the first time."

"Well, I will!"

Hughes was also very excited. As long as he killed the small team led by noetsky, one of the twelve God envoys, he would be completely free.

Back to Haitian.

After lunch, Lin ruofeng is just about to practice. Suddenly, Su Yiyi calls.

"What? OK, I'll be at the headquarters of the chamber of Commerce right away! "

Lin ruofeng jumped directly from the bed, dressed and left the villa.

Just now, Su Yiyi said on the phone that there was something wrong with the combustible ice development project cooperated with Zambia. He was asked to leave and go to the headquarters of the chamber of Commerce.

After driving the car out of the garage, Lin ruofeng drove the car all the way.

Twenty minutes later, I came to the headquarters of Haitian chamber of Commerce.

After parking the car, Lin ruofeng comes out of the car and rushes directly to Su Yiyi's office.

Along the way, many people said hello to him, but he didn't answer at all, which surprised people in the chamber of Commerce. What happened?

With Lin ruofeng's character, no matter who greets him, he will respond with a smile. If a beautiful woman greets him, she will not only respond with a smile, but also chatter with her in ink.

And today's situation is very rare.

Soon, I came to Su Yiyi's office.

"Yiyi, what happened?"

Lin ruofeng pushed the door and asked in a deep voice.

"You see, this is a message sent to me by the Minister of energy of Biya!"

Lin ruofeng handed a printed document to Lin ruofeng and said.

Taking the printed document from Su Yiyi's hand, Lin ruofeng has a rough look at it, and his face becomes extremely ugly.

Because we have signed a formal cooperation agreement with Zambia, now cooperation has begun.

While ordering all kinds of mining equipment, Professor Chen and Professor Zhang, two experts engaged by the state in the field of combustible ice mining, have also gone to Biya to start the preparatory work in the early stage of mining.

However, just last night, the laboratory where the two experts were located was attacked by a group of armed elements. Now, the whereabouts of the two experts and some security guards responsible for their safety are unknown.

In addition, at the scene of the battle, some bodies were found, most of which were the bodies of armed elements, while several other bodies belonged to the security guards of Longya security company.

"Damn it

Lin ruofeng was so angry that he dropped the document on the desk.

It happened.At the beginning, just considering that Biya was in a bit of chaos in Africa, Lin ruofeng specially sent a part of Longya security elites to Biya to protect the two experts for the safety of the two experts. Unexpectedly, there was an accident.

Lin ruofeng is very anxious. Professor Zhang and Professor Chen are the giants in the field of combustible ice mining. They have a strong international reputation. If they have an accident, it will be an extraordinary loss for the whole China.

Now, the whereabouts of the two professors are unknown, and we must find a way to find them.

What's more, who on earth wants to do something to the two professors?

After clenching his fist, Lin ruofeng said in a deep voice, "has the country investigated the murderer?"

"An investigation has been launched!" Su Yiyi nodded and said, "just a few minutes ago, I just received an email from Biya, which said that the identity of the armed elements had been confirmed. It was a very small mercenary group in the mercenary circle. When Biya government army found this small mercenary group, it was found that all the mercenary group were dead and the whole army was annihilated!"

"What a cruel heart."

Lin ruofeng took a deep breath and said, "this is killing people. In order to keep the secret, he killed the whole mercenary regiment."

Who is it? With such powerful energy and strength?

Whitewater security? Or is it the sun moon religion?

Lin ruofeng thinks about it. It's very unlikely that it's the sun moon cult, because the people of the sun moon cult are still looking for Dragon veins in China. The sun moon cult doesn't know that their people are being targeted by the hidden dragon group, so there's no reason to attack the two experts of China.

So, the biggest possibility is Whitewater security.

After all, the hidden dragon group killed one of their most precious capital super soldiers, and the crazy revenge of Whitewater security company is also reasonable.

Moreover, in Africa, they have the ability to destroy a small mercenary regiment.

If we look at the current analysis, nine times out of ten, Baishui security company did it.

However, now is not the time to analyze who did it. Now, the most urgent task is to find the whereabouts of the two experts as soon as possible to ensure their personal safety. Thinking of this, Lin ruofeng's eyes lit up and said, "Yiyi, just leave this matter to me. Now, what you need to do is to communicate with the government of Biya, stop the project temporarily, and continue the project after the unstable factors are fully contacted!

"well, I see!"

Suyi nodded and said, "I'm going to contact the Biya government!"

"All right!" Lin ruofeng nodded and said, "I'll go first. I'll try to find two professors as soon as possible, and then take them back to China."