In the heart incomparable shock, but on the surface, hustiss and Edelman two people are indeed calm, does not reveal a cent.

"We just had no time to separate ourselves because of important things. Do you really think we are not sure to stay with you?"

Edelman snorted, and said in a cold voice, "since you don't know how to live or die, we'll help you!"

He can't procrastinate any longer. If he procrastinates any longer, it will certainly make everyone in whitewater security company suspicious and seriously affect their morale.

Edelman felt that although the bravery of the hidden dragon group was beyond their expectation, this place, after all, was in the Baishui mining area and was the base of their super soldiers.

Here, there are a lot of super fighters. He and hustiss are in control. In addition, many super fighters are fully capable of fighting against the Chinese hidden dragon group.

As long as they can hold all the members of the hidden dragon group and wait until leierton's holy level transformation is completed, the hidden dragon group will be defeated.

"Warriors of Baishui mining area!"

Edelman raised his hand and murmured, "it's time for you to serve the company when the enemy invades. Join us to destroy these enemies and let them know that our Baishui mining area is inviolable!"


Old voice, resounding over the Baishui mining area, Edelman had a kind of old man chatting about young crazy feeling, took the lead to rush toward Lin ruofeng.


Hustiss growled, followed by Edelman.


Behind the two, several legitimate gold super soldiers rushed up with righteous indignation.

They are the most elite and important presence in Baishui security company.

Looking at the super soldier with golden light and purple light, Lin ruofeng roared and rushed forward. He clenched his fist and yelled: "brothers of the hidden dragon group, let them see our real fighting power. We will fight for heaven and earth."

"What kind of bullshit Whitewater security company, what kind of battle alliance, we want to let the werewolf and the sun moon god know that their so-called battle alliance is just a joke!"

This is Lin ruofeng's plan.

You werewolves, the sun and moon god religion, white water security company is not declared to establish what kind of combat alliance?

As soon as I could, I would destroy the Baishui security company first and beat face madly.

"Kill me!"

In the hidden dragon group, Lin ruofeng fully mobilizes everyone's killing power. In the face of the impact of super soldiers, they are all highly motivated.

"This old guy is mine. Don't rob me!"

Wang Bo grinned and stretched out his hands. Two big bolts of lightning burst out in his palm and bombarded Edelman.

"Hey - in this case, I'll take the guy named" what what's the name of this man? "

Ring color grinned, touched his little bald head, and the Golden Buddha light all over him was so bright that he rushed directly to hustiss.

Soon, Jie Se and Wang Bo were fighting with hustiss and Edelman.

In the face of the two most powerful Zijin super fighters, Jie Se and Wang Bo are not at all inferior.

This is the strength of the hidden dragon group.

It doesn't need Lin ruofeng's hand. If you pull out any one, you will have the strength no less than Zijin super warrior.

Of course, Lin ruofeng is not much better than everyone else in terms of the toughness of the hidden dragon team.

Jie Se and Wang Bo can contain the two most powerful purple gold super soldiers. The remaining gold and silver super soldiers are really weak in front of the other members of the hidden dragon group.

This gap in strength can not be made up by the number of people.

Soon, the war situation showed a one-sided trend. Under the attack of the hidden dragon group, there were many casualties in Baishui security company, and one super soldier fell down.

Looking at the death of these super soldiers, Edelman's eyes were red.

These people are the future of Whitewater security company, but now they are falling down.

"Ah! You executioners, I will kill you

Edelman was crazy. His old face was full of anger, just like an angry lion. His whole body was filled with a touch of purple, and his crazy attack defeated Wang Bo.

"The executioner? Ha ha - "

hearing the speech, Lin ruofeng sneered and said," don't you feel ashamed to say that? How much blood is stained on the hands of the executioner, your Whitewater security company? " "Maybe others don't know, but I know very well that in order to make money from war, you have been provoking civil wars in some poor countries in Africa, intensifying the beliefs among various ethnic groups in Africa, so that the whole Africa will be in war all the time and develop into a paradise for mercenaries.""And then, in the name of defending the sovereignty of those small countries, you will accept employment and make a lot of war money."

"Ha ha - sometimes, you Baishui security company, even meet those mercenaries you support behind your back. It's really a thief's cry to catch a thief. Without you Baishui security company, I think there will be less unnecessary wars and unnecessary casualties in this world."

"You deserve to be called executioners? I Pooh - "

the more Lin ruofeng said it, the more excited he was, because these are facts, not exaggerations.

In order to make a fortune in the war, Whitewater security company did a lot of things behind the scenes.

On the surface, however, they boast that they are the most just security company.

It's like being a whore and building a memorial archway.

Lin ruofeng teases Edelman mercilessly, and stares at the battlefield tightly.

Although Wang Bo is now being suppressed, he is not in a panic.

In other words, it's not so easy for Edelman to kill Wang Bo.

For Wang Bo, this is an opportunity. It takes some skills to defeat the enemy who is stronger than himself.

Now, Lin ruofeng doesn't mean to help. Unless Wang Bo's life is in danger, he will help.

In the face of a sudden frenzy of Edelman, Wang Bo's face is serious and his defense is tight.

He knows very well in his heart that this is not the normal state of Edelman, otherwise, he will not fight with himself. Until now, he has already broken out and killed himself.

So he's waiting, waiting until Edelman is obviously depressed, when he starts to fight back.

Five minutes later, Wang Bo can clearly feel that Edelman's breath is declining. It's time to fight back.