"Ah! Damn it

On the void star, a very unwilling roar shook the void star.

The head of the void clan, void Changsheng, walked out of the seclusion, and appeared in the valley where void was strong.

Holding the dead body of nihility in his arms, nihility Changsheng roars: "who is it? Who killed my son? "

At the same time, he was shocked.

Because the murderer of his son didn't die after he took a blow!

Everyone who comes to the powerful state of the void can feel the special fluctuation, and killing the powerful is obviously not the powerful generation!

It's impossible for those who are not powerful to survive his attack.

You know, he is not an ordinary great power, but the peak of great power. If he is not stuck in the last step, he will have entered the realm of quasi emperor.

If you let the void immortal know that Lin ruofeng, who killed the void strong, was just in the realm of nourishing the spirit, I don't know what kind of expression he would have.

At this time, Lin ruofeng, the murderer, is floating in the universe. While he is floating, Lin ruofeng operates the word "zhe" to repair his injured body.

It's a very dangerous thing for him to wander in the universe in his present state. If he's not lucky enough to meet the star pirates or the space robbers, it will be quite dangerous.

Finally, Lin ruofeng decided to find a place to hide and heal slowly.

At last, he found a cave on the dead planet.

This time, he was seriously injured. It took him a week to recover completely.

After recovering from the injury, Wang Tiezhu began to pay attention to what happened in the universe this week.

Nihility Qiang is the son of the head of the nihility clan. It's no accident that the best candidate for the future head of the nihility clan has been killed now, which is bound to set off an uproar in the universe.

Sure enough, the fury of the void clan is incomparable, offering a reward in the universe to kill the murderer of void power. The reward given is incomparable and rich enough to make anyone excited.

However, for the moment, no one knows who killed nihility.

People in the whole universe are guessing, in the realm of the God King, who can kill the void power with armor.

Obviously, even the king of gods must be the best among them.

Therefore, several gods and kings of Mingzhen universe became the object of suspicion.

However, it's just suspicion. I didn't dare to fight those gods, because they are too powerful to be defeated.

Moreover, the background of those gods and Kings is no weaker than that of the nihilists.

In the absence of any evidence, this can only become a headless case.

However, Lin ruofeng's eyes flickered and directly registered a trumpet, revealing the truth of the matter.

Nihility is strong. He killed it. It's quite convincing for him to reveal the truth.

However, he did not reveal the truth as mobieshan, but as a mysterious trumpet.

Soon, a post exploded in the universe.

It reveals the mysterious master who killed the void: the realm of nourishing the spirit in the dark killer temple, which is comparable to the top master Mobei mountain who killed the God at the seed level.

In the post, Lin ruofeng made it very clear that someone entrusted the dark killer temple to offer a reward to kill void Qiang. As for who entrusted the dark killer temple, Lin ruofeng didn't know, so he didn't say.

In the mission Hall of the dark Assassin temple, "Mobei mountain" took the task of killing void strong. Then, void strong was killed on void star. If it wasn't done by Mobei mountain, no one believed it.

It seems impossible that "Mobei mountain" in the realm of nourishing the spirit can kill the void power with armor. But in the post, the analysis is given.

"Mobei mountain" has extremely powerful supernatural powers, and even if the body armor can resist all attacks under the power, it can't resist the impact of local supernatural powers. Therefore, "Mobei mountain" is completely possible to kill nihilishi.

As soon as the post was published, it became popular in the whole universe. Countless people chatted with Lin ruofeng in private and wanted to know more.

Even the head of the void clan, void Changsheng, personally contacted Lin ruofeng. No matter whether others believed it or not, he believed it anyway.

Because it was the corpse that he collected for nihility. He could judge that nihility's death was caused by the heavy damage of shenzhihai and the direct defeat of Yuanshen.

Nihility Changsheng wants to meet Lin ruofeng, get more information, and even give attractive rewards.

However, it is obviously impossible for Lin ruofeng to meet with void Changsheng.

As the head of the void clan, he must be a powerful man. Lin ruofeng doesn't know what terrible means the powerful man has. If he sees through, he will kill the void powerful man, and he will have a lot of fun.Therefore, Lin ruofeng rejected nihility. The reason he gave was that he was a member of the dark killer temple and could not leave the dark killer Temple freely. Otherwise, he would not have known so much.

At this time, the high-level of the dark killer temple is having a meeting in an office.

"How's it going? Have you heard from Mobei mountain? "

"Not yet. It's been a week. There may be an accident in Mobei mountain." "It's very possible. It's said that after nihonqiang was killed, nihonchangsheng, the head of the nihonqi clan, noticed it and took a slap from nihonqi city to destroy all the mountains. Although Mobei mountain escaped by chance, it must have been seriously injured. It's very likely that he died because of the aggravation of the injury." "If he doesn't die, I think he can be trained as the core backbone. He has no problem with his identity. He was abandoned by the flesh winged magic dragon clan. After entering our dark killer temple, he killed his father Mobei, younger brother mofeng Dao, and many flesh winged magic dragon clan members. If he had ulterior motives, the price would be too high, I really can't think of any reason why he has ulterior motives. "

"Yes, I think so. Now our dark killer temple is in a period of rapid development and needs talents who are independent. If it can't develop rapidly, it may disappoint the people in the forbidden area and may not support us any more." "Shh! I have my own arrangement about the forbidden area. Let's not discuss it rashly so as not to kill ourselves! "