Although the flesh winged dragon, the Bai and the three legged toad join hands, they are still unable to resist the cooperation of the two races.

The heaven swallowing mice and the void orcs are all the top ten races in the universe, and there are 12 big level creatures in the two races.

The total number of big level creatures of their three races is only eight, half the difference.

There is an obvious gap in strength.

In addition, there are more gods and kings of the two races, the sky swallowing rodents and the void orcs, together. In terms of combat power, they are already better than the three tribes. In addition, the people of the sky swallowing rodents and the void swallowing orcs have a sense of superiority and think that they are stronger. When they face the void swallowing rodents and the void swallowing orcs, the people of the three tribes are obviously counselled, and they can't compare with each other in terms of war.

In this way, the disadvantage will be further enlarged.

The war situation gradually became clear, and the three tribes of meat winged magic dragon, Bai and three legged magic toad began to retreat, and the battle front was constantly compressed towards the core area of meat winged magic dragon.

"God, is this going to kill me

As the only power of the flesh winged magic dragon clan, mowuji roars in the sky. Under the siege of rat min and another power, he is constantly defeated.

"A race that even Zuxing can betray should have disappeared long ago."

Rat sensitive cold mouth.

Although in the first World War, the tuntian rat race was on the same front as the flesh winged dragon race, the Bai race and the three legged toad race, they still looked down upon these three races who betrayed the ancient earth.

Even for these three groups, there is a strong sense of prevention.

How can a race that even Zuxing can betray be recognized by other races?

"Shut up

Devil Wuji roared, "it's the ancient earth who abandoned us, not us who betrayed the ancient earth."

"Why deceive yourself?" Rat Min said coldly, "you are also the people who survived from that era. You three races were entrusted with important tasks and were responsible for taking over. As a result, you turned around on the battlefield and attacked the earth alliance with our cosmic army. Otherwise, with the terrible strength of those talented people on the ancient earth, how could you be defeated so quickly?"

No other planet, like the ancient earth, has a large number of talented people. If the emperor is strong, he will not come out. Who dares to say that he can defeat the green dragon, the white tiger and the golden winged ROC bird?

In the realm of power, the battle of Saint ape is recognized as the first power in the universe, and it is the only bug level existence that can kill the emperor in the realm of power.

In the lower realm of God King, Qin wanwan, Qinglong's only apprentice, is shining in the universe, eclipsing the genius of the whole universe.

The words of mowuji and rat min didn't evade anyone. Their voice was like thunder. On the battlefield, almost everyone heard them.

Bai, three legged magic toad, meat wing magic dragon people, all look confused.

After they were born, they were indoctrinated into their race, and they were mercilessly abandoned. Therefore, they have always been full of hatred for the ancient earth, even for the new earth.

Think it's the earth that's responsible for their race.

However, now rat min's words fall in their ears, which makes them have doubts.

What is the truth of the matter?

"Don't listen to him bewitching people!"

As he fought, mowuji said aloud, "he wants to destroy our alliance and our fighting spirit. Please don't believe it and lose our fighting spirit."

"Yes, he's talking nonsense!"

"This despicable thing wants to slander us and kill him! Kill him

"I believe our ancestors would never do such a thing."

The people of the three nationalities roared.

The education they received since childhood has been deeply rooted. How can they really shake because of rat min's words?

Rat min did not expect that his words, even invisible, increased the cohesion of the three ethnic alliance.

However, it did not have much impact.

The gap between strength, has decided the final winner.

It's just a little bit more sacrifice.

The battle is continuing, and the front line is getting closer and closer to the most central area.

In the center of the area, there is a huge transmission array, through this transmission array, you can directly transfer into the three legged magic toad family.

Although it is said that before the meat winged dragon clan was attacked by the swallowing mice clan, the Bai clan and the three legged magic toad clan didn't mean to help.

However, after Lin ruofeng used his stratagem to pull the Bai and the three legged magic toad into the water, now the three legged alliance is serious.

Because the three ethnic groups all know one truth, that is, their lips are dead and their teeth are cold.

If the three ethnic groups do not unite, they will be defeated by each other."Ah

At this time, a scream came. A Bai's Da Neng couldn't bear the double attack of the other side. He was caught by the other side. They joined hands to kill him.

Five minutes later, another scream came. One of the three legged magic toad family's great powers also did not escape and died in the battle.

The number of three legged talents was at a disadvantage. Now after two people were killed, there are only six left. On the other hand, there are still 12 people, which is twice as many.

The gap is too big.

"It can't go on like this any more."

Bai clan leader Bai Mei said loudly, "we must withdraw to the three legged magic toad clan and use the advantage of Bai's array to fight the war of attrition."

Toad sword, the head of the three legged magic toad clan, looks ugly. Originally, according to his wishes, the battle was settled in the ancestral star of the flesh winged magic dragon clan, and the battle could not be burned to the ancestral star of the three legged magic toad clan.

But who ever thought that the sky swallowing mice would join hands with the void orcs?

In this way, they are not rivals at all.

"I can only give up Zuxing and Zucheng."

Mowuji roared.


Toad sword gritted his teeth. Although he didn't want to let the war burn to the three legged magic toad clan, now the situation is so, he has no choice.

He can't ignore the alliance because of his selfishness.

Once the alliance of the three clans is broken due to the absence of evacuation, the goblins and nihilis will not let go of the three legged magic toads.

At that time, the three legged magic toad clan might be about to be exterminated.

After giving the order to retreat, the three groups gathered together and fought and retreated.

We're all around. We're going to retreat.

At this time, the array has been opened, full of light.

"After five seconds, the transmission starts."

Toad sword roars. In other words, people of the three ethnic groups must step on the array within five seconds, otherwise they will be left here, and the only result of staying here is death.