"Don't I also want to thank you for giving my grandfather a gift he likes?"

Sheng Yihong didn't ask Jane Anning what he did for her when he bought the inkstone! Since there is a secret in Jane Anning's heart that he doesn't want to let others know, he naturally won't ask at will!

But if Jane wants to tell him, he will listen patiently!

"Thank me for that! But anyway, your grandfather likes it

"Well, grandfather likes it very much!"

He likes it very much, too!

"I owe you jadeite! No wonder I was very curious last time. You didn't leave my contact information. How can you contact me then! As a result, we already knew that we would be in a school! "

If we look at the questions at that time, we will be able to solve them! What a pity! She was in distress for a while at that time!

Sheng Yihong didn't speak, but he didn't think so much! After all, as long as he really wants to find jiananning, it's easy to find it!

As for whether it's in the same school or not, it's not that important!

"It seems that you like jadeite very much?"

"Well, I really like jade better than gold and silver, and jadeite is the most. Naturally, I like it very much! Especially, when you meet the jadeite you like, sometimes you can't even express your inner joy with words! "

What Jane Anning says now is what she dared to think in her last life! However, in the last life, she was not like now. In the last life, she really loved jadeite. However, because of the limited conditions, she never participated in such things as gambling stones!

And in this life, she also believes that the regret of the previous life, this life, will certainly be able to be satisfied!

"In that case, when your military training is over, I will take you to a place! I'm sure you'll like it! "

"Really? Then, we have a deal! "

"Well, it's a deal!"

After saying this, Jane Anning reacts with some hindsight. She and Sheng Yihong seem to have made an appointment after the military training!

Bah, bah, bah, how come you think of dating! It's Sheng Yihong who has found a funny place and wants to take her there! Moreover, Jane Anning had a hunch that this place might have something to do with jadeite!

Otherwise, Sheng Yihong would not have mentioned jadeite!

After making a plan for the military training, Wei Yanbin and Qian Yonghao come back to find Sheng Yihong. Jian Anning knows that they still have something to do, and immediately takes Fang Youfei away.

Before Sheng Yihong, Fang Youfei didn't speak. Now she and Jane Anning are the only two left. Fang Youfei has a lot of questions to ask!

"You Fei, don't do that. I know you must have some questions to ask. Just ask what you want, and don't hold back!"

Jane Anning looks at Fang Youfei, who is about to suffocate. She can't help but feel funny! This girl, no one just let her talk, but she just did not say a word, now pour good, hold yourself so hard!

"You think I want to. I have too many questions to ask, but I don't know what to ask for a while! Don't talk, let me think about it! "

"Well, well, take your time, don't worry!"

Jane Anning said as she watched Fang Youfei wave her hand to let her go.

"The first question is, how many times have you met Sheng Shao except for the two times I know! How far has it developed between you? "

After Fang Youfei finished this sentence, he stared at Jane Anning, as if for fear that she would lie to her!

"How far has it developed! I've only seen him twice more than you

One is the inkstone, and the other is the junk shop!

"No way! I see you two look like you've been having an affair for a long time, OK! I said it twice. How could it be! Don't try to cheat me

"I swear to God, I didn't lie to you!"


"Really! More real than pearls

"Well, I believe you! But I just saw that you have already made an appointment for your first date after military training! Tut Tut, this is the rhythm of puppy love

"What are you talking about! What puppy love! I owe you something! If you're lucky, maybe you can go back after military training! "

This good luck is not to say whether Jane Anning can win the bet, but to see if Sheng Yihong takes her to the place where she has good goods!

"What? What do you owe him? Why don't I know? "

Fang Youfei just listened to the conversation between them. He really thought they were going to date after military training! But listening to Jane Anning, it seems that it's not so simple!

But the more so, the more interested she was! It seems that the relationship between Jian Anning and Sheng Yihong is not so simple!

Jian YingYing and Su Xue also want to use this method to deal with Jian Anning. On the one hand, they spread the rumors to Qiu Weijun and let Qiu Weijun deal with Jian Anning. On the other hand, they may also want to make Sheng Yihong hate Jane's peaceful rhythm!

However, they should never have thought that when Qiu Weijun found them, they would be directly hit by Sheng Yihong! What's more, I don't think that there has been a friendship between Jane Anning and Sheng Yihong for a long time!

She really wants to see what kind of reaction Jian YingYing and Su Xue will have when they know all this! It should be wonderful!

Jane Anning didn't plan to hide this from Fang Youfei. When Fang Youfei asked, she told Fang Youfei that she had agreed to help Sheng Yihong get jade!

"Ah, peace, how can you promise such a thing! You were lucky last time. Do you really get the best jade every time! And better than the last one! It's, it's impossible! "

Fang Youfei thought it was something funny, but as soon as she heard Jane Anning finish, she frowned. She even had some opinions on Sheng Yihong in her heart. That man, he didn't come to cheat Jane Anning, did he!


Jane Anning was careless, forgetting that she had powers in her body. She couldn't tell anyone about them. She thought that there should be no difficult things, in Fang Youfei's view, it is the difficulty of heaven!

After all, no one would have thought that she would have such a power of perspective! Besides, even if she said it, I'm afraid no one would believe it!