Tusu Qingli made a suicide, resulting in the jade hall palace people were all replaced, finally do not have to see the two courtesans seem to be respectful but actually despise the face, her heart is extremely relaxed. Was re-sent over to wait for her is a called Green Qi’s palace maid, looks clean and beautiful look extraordinarily comfortable, she will mention the person to the front of the waiter.

At night, there was no one else in the great hall, Green Qi waited for Tu Su Qing Li to drink the medicine, “Miss, you are really reckless this time, fortunately you were saved in time, if something really happened, your father and elder brother, how sad it would be.”

Tusu Qingli touched the painful neck, the bottom of his eyes could not help but flash a trace of indignation, “Originally I just wanted to do something, who knows some mistakes, but almost really hanged myself. I always feel that things are unusual, it is impossible to say that the Empress wants to harm me, but she has been looking at me extremely unpleasant.”

Green Qi was a bit surprised, “You suspect that the Empress Mother has sent someone to do something to you?”

The idea of pretending to commit suicide was Green Qi’s idea to help her out, in order to change a group of palace people, so that she could successfully come to Tusu Qingli’s side, and she didn’t expect that when Tusu Qingli pretended to commit suicide, she really almost hanged herself, but fortunately in the end, it was also considered to have achieved its purpose, or else the consequences could be very serious. She was afraid that Tu Su Qing Li would secretly hate her because of her idea, and could only guide her to divert her attention.

Tu Su Qing Li was indignant, “So what if I suspect, my Tu Su family’s status as a first miss is nothing in front of her, even if there is solid evidence, no one will believe it when I say it.”

Seeing that she didn’t resent herself, green qi secretly breathed a sigh of relief: ”Miss, the fact that you are aggrieved now doesn’t mean that you will always be aggrieved in the future, and the fact that there is no way now doesn’t mean that there will be no way in the future. Now or temporarily endure, until the family master’s purpose is achieved, you successfully enter the harem to obtain a place, even the Empress can’t take what you do, at that time, today’s humiliation, will certainly be able to pay back a hundred times.”

Tusu Qingli nodded, his face finally had some smiles, “You are right, it is nothing to endure for the time being, the more I endure today, the more mercy the Emperor will have on me in the coming day, and by that time, everything is yet to be seen.”

Green Qi served Tusu Qingli to lie down, hearing this, she responded with a smile, “Yes, you hurry to get well now, everything is planned for you by the family master.”

When Tusu Qingli went to sleep, Greenie changed into a nondescript outfit and went to a secluded place outside the palace, placing the written note in her hand under a peony flower and covering it with soil before quietly leaving.

It didn’t take long for the contents written on the note to be presented to Shen Ninghua.

“Your Highness, that Greenie claims to be from the Tusu family, but is actually secretly following Baili Jin Yu and Baili Jin Jing’s arrangements, the slave girl had someone secretly check, her parents really do have some relationship with the Tusu family, I guess that’s also the reason why the Third and Fourth Princes sent her to come in contact with Tusu Qing Li.”

Shen Ninghua nodded, “Have someone keep a good eye on this Green Qi, report any news in time, isn’t Tu Su Qing Yun, the helmsman of the Tu Su family, coming to the capital? Have someone keep an eye on it as well, don’t make any mess.”

“Yes, Your Highness, don’t worry, the slave girl will definitely make the arrangements.”

“Where is the emissary from Great Vietnam now?”

“Ten more days to Kyoto.”

“Have the people clean up the post house and let them stay there, no need to busy themselves with hospitality, and don’t let them move around, when the northwestern border gets the city of the Great Yue State, when will we talk about the peace talks again.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Baili Jun Yi in the courtroom means tough, will be those clamoring for peace talks ministers think of ways to clean up again, the next courtroom is much quieter.

Ten days later, the peace negotiation envoys sent by Great Yue arrived at Kyoto, the officials of the Ministry of Rites who came to be in charge of welcoming them introduced them courteously into the post house, and after that, the guards came up to guard them, and the officials of the Ministry of Rites retreated.

The peace negotiation envoys looked silly, how to say that they are also representing the Great Yue Country, this Da An Country’s people are not too not to put them in the eyes of the people, at once some people will yell to have an audience with the emperor.

The guards swept them with contempt, but they were just the Emperor’s defeated men, and they still dared to yell so justifiably, “The Emperor has ordered that the messengers have worked hard all the way, so they should first take a good rest for a few days.”

“We demand an audience with the Emperor.”

“The emperor is busy, is not you want to see can see, you will the emperor as what? Phase request to see is not impossible, first write a folding bar, we will let people help you to deliver up, as for the emperor to see or not, that depends on the emperor’s meaning.”

Messengers have no way, can only endure the anger began to write to see the official documents, but unfortunately, these official documents handed over to the hands of the guards, directly be used as a straw paper, even the qualification to enter the palace are not. The emperor said, first dry these people ten days and a half months, now only the second day, what is the hurry.

Within a few days of the arrival of the peace negotiators, the head of the Tusu family, Tusu Qingyun, came to Kyoto with his people. Less than three days after arriving in Kyoto, he began to send invitations to various officials’ houses, not to mention, the Tu Su family is also considered to be a bit famous outside, many officials gave them face and invited them to gather at their doors.

Hongling recorded the names of the officials that the Tusu family had contacted in the past few days and presented them to Baili Junyi and Shen Ninghua for inspection.

Baili Junyi didn’t expect that a Tusu family that started out as a merchant and was hidden for so many years would still have so much energy, attracting a lot of officials to scramble to make friends, “It seems that this Tusu family is not small in its plans.”

Shen Ninghua threw the list of officials aside, “These officials have mixed positions both high and low, it is reasonable to say that the Tu Su family should not be visiting like this when they first came to the capital.”

Baili Junyi gave a beat, “You mean that these families were once related to the Tu Su Family?”

“I’m not sure, Hongling, have someone go and check to see the family background of these officials, along with their concubines, children, beloved ones, etc., I always feel that the Tu Su family is playing a big game.” Shen Ninghua slightly frowned, her heart was a bit grave, these officials had high and low official positions, spanning across the middle of the six ministries, if all of them were really related to the Tusu family, then the matter would be serious.

Baili Junyi obviously thought of this as well, “Ning Hua, you suspect that the Tu Su family had a premeditated plan?”

Shen Ninghua shook her head, ”I’m not sure, I just hope I’m overthinking it. If the Tu Su family wanted to come out, they should have prepared for it earlier, it’s impossible for them to decide all of a sudden. For example, that commercial road from Jiangnan to the Northwest, if there is no court official’s escort, just by virtue of a Tu Su family, no matter how bold they are, they don’t have that ability to conceal it so seamlessly.”

Baili Junyi frowned: ”When you say it like this, I also remembered. When we first traced the whereabouts of the northwestern grain stockpile, the local officials didn’t get much oil and water at all, and more often than not, they paid tribute to the capital with the money they received from the sale of the grain. Moreover, this path has existed for many years, and if not for this year’s great snowstorm, I’m afraid it wouldn’t have been exposed yet. The Tu Su family should have started preparing for it years in advance, waiting for today.”

Shen Ninghua couldn’t help but inhale slightly, “Thinking about it like this, that Tusu Qingyun’s mind is really admirable, let Hongling investigate first, check it out.”

Because there were too many things to investigate, and many things had been extremely long ago, it took nearly half a month for Hongling to deliver the specific news to Baili Junyi and Shen Ninghua.

Seeing these messages, Baili Junyi’s face was ugly, “Hongling, are you saying that all these officials have received bribes from the Tu Su family, and that there is still quite a bit of evidence controlled in the hands of the Tu Su family?”

Hongling nodded her head, the more she investigated, the more alarming it was, who had ever thought that the Tu Su family, which had been hidden for many years, would have so much energy, almost half of the officials in the court were involved, “Your Majesty, after you ascended to the throne, you once made a big effort to clean up the court, dismissing and investigating many of the old-school officials, if it wasn’t for your decisive action, nowadays the officials who are connected to the Tu Su family are feared to be more than two-thirds of the civil and military officials.”

“Moreover, the slave girl investigated that after the abolition of Crown Prince Baili Jin Yi ascended the throne in the first place, the Tu Su family had secretly contacted quite a few officials, but not long after that, you led your troops to besiege Baili Jin Yi, and the late Emperor supported your ascension to the throne, and after that, the Tu Su family fell silent, and it was not until recently that they began to have movements again.”

Shen Ninghua’s face was clear and cold, her plain white fingertips slightly closed, “It seems that the Tusu family had plotted long ago, if Baili Jin Yi had sat on the throne in the first place, nowadays, the Tusu family is afraid that they have already folded their name.”

When Baili Jin Yi ascended to the throne, he treated the courtiers well, giving many of those who supported him additional positions, and practiced the so-called benevolent government, which was very different from Baili Jun Yi’s thunderous approach. In that case, and two-thirds of the officials in the dynasty involved in the Tu Su family, want to achieve what the goal is simply easy.

Hongling opened her mouth and said, “Reporting back to the Emperor and Empress, the slave girl also investigated that many officials have concubines in their homes that are related to the Tusu family, and, most of these concubines are extremely favored, because of the time constraints, what the slave girl was able to find out wasn’t too specific, and I don’t know how the Tusu family sent these concubines to the officials’ homes.”

Shen Ninghua nodded, “It seems that the Tu Su family is really hard for people to estimate, next you investigate well, try your best to find out everything clearly.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Baili Jun Yi thumped the paper in his hand and slapped it on the table, “The Tu Su family … originally thought that it was just an inconspicuous small fish, who knows that it is actually a heaven swallowing beast, this is also good, and the officials in the court should be purged, and they should be disposed of together.”

Seeing his indignant appearance, Shen Ninghua couldn’t help but open her mouth to pacify, “Because of your previous several actions, most of the officials in the court have converged, even if the Tusu family holds their handles, they will have to reconsider before doing anything, we still have time to slowly plan.”

Baili Junyi nodded his head, killing intent under his eyes, “Well, I still don’t believe that I can’t help a family!” I would like to see how big a wave the Tu Su family can make!