"Vympel? That FSB Spetsnaz?" Charlie asked as Lima scanned the documents in the briefcase with her phone. Currently, she was in her home, laying low, after that operation of finding the Russians. She was in a phone call with Charlie.
"Yeah, all of these documents are written by FSB. Looks like the Russians are suspecting that Langley is involved. I will call you later Charlie," She closed the call as she put the documents in the scanner. She converted all of the documents into a PDF file and sent it to Agen Herring. He would know better about what to do.
Lima: "[89% Completed] Here you go Herring."
Herring: "Thanks. Well, looks like you make the right choice of working with us. It is said that FSB suspects Langley of supporting terrorism in Russia."
Lima: "I see that. Directorate V huh? Are we dealing with some sort of covert action unit?"
Herring: "I'm afraid that the answer is yes. Luckily, these documents had the location of their hideouts, the bad news is that the locations are hidden between codes and cipher."
Lima: "Hmm, I guess we will spend this month dealing with three-way fire. It will be a fight between the contractors that are backed CIA, our country military, and Directorate Vega. Well, lucky us."
Herring: "Hmm, I see that. Good luck then. Remember, a huge reward will be waiting for you in the end. I promise."
Lima: "Yeah. Thanks. I hope the CIA won't just stand around without giving us any help."
Herring closed the call and Lima put her phone back to its charging dock. She grabbed her rifle that was put beside her study desk. She then got a message from one of her friends.
*****: "Due to the recent terrorist attack. The school is on holiday."
Lima: "I see. Thanks."
*****: "How's the situation there? Is it safe?"
Lima: "Safe enough for me to walk around the house."
*****: "Stay safe ok."
Lima: "You too."
Lima stood up from her study desk and she walked to the kitchen. She was still wearing the combat loadout, albeit without a helmet or a balaclava. She headed back to his dining table where her instant noodle was waiting for her.
She watched the television from her dining table. Lima's parents had died actually, so the only way she could support her life was by being a contractor. Still, the way that she lived was way above an ordinary rich family.
"12 bombings have occurred in the city. Police suggested that massive terrorism was planned by a major terrorist group," The reporter of the evening news said. Lima heard that news. Still, she was glad that the attack that was made by the Blackhawks didn't enter the news.
'This is getting out of hand now,' Lima saw that the terrorist attack killed 4000 people at once. The city was under lockdown and the country declared its national emergency status. Luckily, The contractors wouldn't be affected by that. Their problems were the Russians. The Russians would attack them the moment they saw them. The town had turned into a dumpster fire in less than a day. Fighter jets were flying around the sky.
Looks like the air traffic in her town was closed down too due to the terrorist attack. 'What kind of terror is this? This is worst than 9/11,' she looked at the TV as the 13th bomb exploded in her city. The other bomb exploded in a supermarket and killed another 400 hundred people. The military and the police were working hard to prevent another bomb from exploding. All places were closed and tanks and armored vehicles were rolling down the streets.
She finished eating and went to her backyard to enjoy evening tea. She sat down on a bench on the terrace and looked up the sky. She noticed that there was a huge aircraft with fighter escorts. It was an AWACS aircraft. They patrolled the sky above as police siren was ringing in the distance.
'Damn, my city has really fallen into chaos. We are dealing with the Russians and the military was searching for ISIS. CIA wanted a slice from this chaos too,' Lima thought as she watched the sky. She put her rifle on her lap as she continued to drink the tea.
Though, there was no sign of ISIS yet in that town except for the bomb. The question that arises was where were they and what did they want? They invited the Russians and bombed the whole city. It was lucky that the Americans weren't directly involved yet.
She got a call from Tango again, "Delta heartbeat has returned," she took a deep breath.
"Wait, his heart isn't beating the whole time?" Lima asked the doctor.
"Yes, but he isn't dead yet, but he is barely surviving," Tango paused, "You know that the Russians dumped their whole magazine at him. I'm glad that he survives," Tango said to her.
"Well, I wonder how many sutures mark that he will have. I only have around 17 scars all around my entire body," Lima said.
"I will say it with one word, a lot," Tango said as she sent her a picture of a surgical plate full of fragments, "He won't wake up for days I think."
"Don't worry, I will finish our business," Lima said as she sipped her tea and she closed the call. She changed her loadout to her casual loadout which was a sweater with lounge pants. Her rifle disappeared as she went back to her house.
She forgot to turn off the TV and saw that the 15th bomb has exploded. The casualty was around 6000 people this time. The whole city had been the target of the ISIS bombing campaign. She didn't feel too good about a terrorist that manage to inflict significant damage to her town.
She suddenly got a call from Echo. He had been calling him several times but was rejected due to the fact that she was in a call with Tango. She accepted the call and put her phone next to her ear.
Lima: "Hello?"
Echo: "Lima, come here [Location] hurry."
Lima: "Why?"
Echo: "Just be quick. It's about the FSB."