Luo Kuangyuan stared at Chen birou and asked seriously, "you're not sorry for your own death. Do you want to implicate your father? If the emperor investigates the crime you have committed, it will be a great crime of implicating the nine families! "

"Why did I fear death? Lord Luo, if he doesn't come tomorrow, I will die immediately! " Chen birou smiled horribly, "Dad, go back and send me some powder and clothes. When he comes tomorrow, I will dress up. If he doesn't come, I have to dress up when I go to huangquan! As for Lord Luo's words, you don't have to worry. Looking at the past, he won't watch you die and don't save you. "

"Bi Rou, Dad can't survive without you! You listen to Dad's advice and rest assured of the hatred in your heart. Without you, Dad's pursuit of more is meaningless! " Chen Shangshu repeatedly advised him that he was discouraged by everything when he saw his daughter's end!

"Go back, Dad!" Chen birou looked stubborn, "my daughter has her own plan!" She lay down with her face inward and her back to Chen Shangshu. Chen Shangshu sighed and had to leave!

Luo Kuangyuan ordered the jailer to guard Haosheng. He hurried out and shouted to Chen Shangshu, "Lord Chen, please stay!"

Chen Shangshu turned around and said, "what else can I do for you, Lord Luo?"

"Luo has an advice to Lord Chen. I don't know if Lord Chen is willing to listen!"

"Lord Luo, please speak!" Chen Shangshu's gray eyes stared at Luo Kuangyuan!

"With Dr. Lin who Luo knows, she will never embarrass Chen birou, but your birou has a deep resentment against Dr. Lin. it's impossible for her to admit her mistake to Dr. Lin!" Luo Kuangyuan pointed out straight!

"What's your opinion, Lord Luo?" Chen Shangshu put down his airs and begged between his eyebrows!

"Dr. Lin wants your cooperation!" Luo Kuangyuan said word by word.

Chen Shangshu suddenly looked up, then bowed his head again, and slowly said, "give me a day's schedule. Tomorrow, I'll give you an explanation!"

Luo Kuangyuan nodded. Chen Shangshu is a good breakthrough. You can get important information from him!

Lin Haihai and Yu Qing are studying the old lady's treatment plan. Lin Haihai frowns and says, "I can wake her up first and leave the rest to you!" Fortunately, Baizi's pill protects her child. She doesn't have to worry if she uses Yuanzhu!

"Do your best, don't force it, you know?" Yu Qing injected the old lady with a needle to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis!

"OK, Yuqing, it's nice to have you!" Lin Haihai smiled!

"Lin Haihai is always a little trouble. How can you do without me?" Yu Qing said lightly, "do you really want to forgive Chen birou tomorrow?"

"In exchange for her father's surrender!" Lin Haihai massages hands and feet for the old lady, and Lihua quickly comes forward to help!

"It may not work!" Yu Qing just doesn't want to let Chen birou go easily. She dares to bully Lin Haihai and commits Yu Qing's taboo!

"I have no choice. Now I urgently need a breakthrough. I have no time to delay!" Lin Haihai said sadly and looked up at the pear flower. The pear flower whispered, "don't worry, madam. The pear flower doesn't say a word!" Lin Haihai smiled gratefully!

"Your man has the right to choose to know!" Yu Qing said. {}

"I have the right to choose not to let him know!" If he wants to watch her pain every day, he will surely kill the child! But she insisted on leaving him something of her own. She said she was selfish and great. She didn't want to break all contact with him from now on. At least, at least she was still the mother of the child, he was the father of the child, and they had a child together!

"I have reservations about this for the time being, but I don't agree with you!" Yu Qing said seriously.

"Yu Qing will fully support what I have always wanted to do!" Lin Haihai looked at her with tears in her eyes!

"Look, sometimes I will sing the opposite tune. Don't fool around. Also, you don't tell your man about it, but you must tell the big stupid bear!" She warned her that the big stupid bear had experienced a little more than them, and had a lot of opinions in case of trouble!

"I promise you, don't worry about me. I'm an adult and know what I'm doing!" Her fate is doomed to bear these things, she can only accept them!

"Well, let's go! Pear flower, you wait outside the door! " Yu Qing commanded!

"Yes!" Lihua put down the old lady's hand and went out quietly, "see the queen!" As soon as she got out of the door, the queen came and saluted quickly!

"Come on, is the princess back?" The queen asked urgently!

"Yes, the princess is treating the Empress Dowager!" Said the pear flower respectfully! The queen hurried in. Lin Haihai got up to meet her. Yu Qing also stood up. When the queen saw Lin Haihai, she breathed heavily and burst into tears. "Just come back!"

"Queen, let you worry!" Lin Haihai said sorry.

"You're always worrying. I'm used to it!" The queen gently hugged her, and Lin Haihai felt warm in her heart. The queen always treated her like a sister. No matter what happened to her, she always had her support behind her! Before leaving, I want to do something for her and find her missing lover. I'm relieved of her!

"Take care, too. You've lost a whole circle!" Lin Haihai said with pity!

"The empress mother is ill. Everything in the harem falls on me. Can you not be busy? Now there are many women in the harem. They were selected into the Palace last month. There are a lot of things to prepare and slow down! " The queen sighed and said that these new people were ordered by the old lady. The emperor had never seen them, but there was a small sea. They could only be lonely all their lives!

Lin Haihai bowed his head, then raised his head and asked, "can some people be docile?"

"Yes, virtuous and talented people, warm and talented people are women with gentle personality, both talent and appearance, and outstanding talent!" Lin Haihai was full of praise when he saw the queen. He must be very good!

"Arrange them to meet the emperor, let them get along well and cultivate their feelings!" Lin Haihai said goodbye and whispered. The queen was stunned. What happened again?

Yuqing's face is gloomy. It's very unpleasant to see Lin Haihai wronged.

Lin Haihai brushed the old lady's hair off her forehead, gently placed her right hand on the center of her eyebrows, urged Yuanzhu, Yu Qing sat away and watched the old lady's changes carefully! After a while, the old lady's fingers trembled slightly, and the queen was stunned. Although she always knew that Lin Haihai was an extraordinary figure, she didn't know that her ability was so great that she could wake up a comatose person!

Lin Haihai took back his hand. Although he felt weak, he still had some strength and would not collapse like the last two times!

Yu Qing examined the old lady and said with satisfaction, "let her sleep again. After a stroke, she will be sleepy for some time and wake up slowly!"

The queen looked at Lin Hai and smiled. Her heart finally fell to the ground!

At night, after discussing state affairs with Chen Luoqing, Yang shaolun went straight to the Empress Dowager's bedroom! Lin Haihai is helping the Empress Dowager with a massage. The Empress Dowager has just woke up. She is very pleased to see Lin Haihai. Her state of mind has improved and she is in good spirits! Seeing Yang shaolun coming, her face also smiled, but her facial muscles were a little stiff. She pulled the corners of her mouth casually, which was a smile!

Yang shaolun felt uncomfortable. Yu Qing comforted and said, "now it's just a stage. It will get better slowly. We must do rehabilitation!"

Lin Haihai echoed: "rehabilitation is very important, pear flower. I'll give you the task. Tomorrow I'll teach you how to do it!"

"Yes, Lihua knows!" When the Empress Dowager woke up, Lihua smiled on her face!

"Well, go back and have a rest. You're tired. Go back and have a rest first!" Yang shaolun looked at her spoiled. Lin Haihai looked up at the Empress Dowager and saw a trace of research in her eyes. She was surprised. She was afraid to stimulate the Empress Dowager again, so she quickly said, "brother Xie cares. I'll go now!"

Yang shaolun looked a little unhappy, but now it's really not a public time. He said lonely: "well, go, I'll accompany my mother!"

Lin Haihai sat in front of the bed and said to the empress dowager, "empress mother, I'm next door to you. If you have something to tell me, you know?" The Empress Dowager said with difficulty, "go... Go..." Aphasia after stroke is normal. Lin Haihai smiled, glanced at Yang shaolun in a hurry and led Yu Qing away!

Yang shaolun seems a little different when he sees Lin Haihai's other eyes. He is a little uneasy. One of her expressions can change his mood, a smile can make him happy, and a trace of frown can make him fall into hell!

He spent the night in fear and came back from the morning, but Lin Haihai had left the palace again.

Lin Haihai meets Yang Hanlun and goes to Dali temple. Yu Qing stays in the palace to rehabilitate the Empress Dowager!

Chen Shangshu waited for Lin Haihai's arrival in Dali Temple early in the morning. As soon as he saw Lin Haihai, he flopped down on his knees and solemnly said, "madam, I beg the madam to let the little girl go. As long as the madam is willing to let the little girl go, the magistrate will be devastated and fight to death!"

Lin Haihai picked him up and also solemnly said, "I'm relieved to have the words of Lord Shangshu!"

Yang Hanlun looked a little unnatural. Lin Haihai said, "I'll go in with you!" Yang Hanlun nodded silently and walked slowly in front. Lin Haihai winked at Luo Kuangyuan. Luo Kuangyuan understood and invited Chen Shangshu to the secret room for discussion!

There is not enough light in the prison meal. Yang Hanlun holds Lin Haihai and walks slowly. Chen birou has already dressed up neatly. She is happy to see Yang Hanlun. When he holds Lin Haihai with his hand, his eyes radiate a touch of resentment!

"Here you are!" Chen birou takes back her sight and stares at Yang Hanlun.

"You want to see me?" Yang Hanlun's heart is sour. He once cared so much about this woman, but now he wants to lock her in this prison!

"Have you ever loved me?" Chen birou asked, her well-dressed cheeks showed a few grievances!

"What's the point of saying this now?" Yang Hanlun stared at her, "I may have loved you, but it's not you now, it's not the real you!"

Chen birou was hit hard and looked at Yang Hanlun blankly, "what you love is just that illusion!" She burst out laughing with a creepy, poignant smile!