Lofan didn't think of it.

An excuse he casually thought of was really taken by Yang yunlang.

Other core disciples were envious of Wen Yan.

My heart is full of self hatred.

Why can't you get the inheritance of star beast spirit sword.

of course.

Some people looked at concubine Yang Chu and showed pity.

They are all core disciples.

Naturally, concubine Yang Chu was the first person to inherit the star beast spirit sword.

Unfortunately, her body is not strong enough.

Not only did he not get any benefits from inheriting the sword Qi, but he was almost killed by inheriting the sword Qi.

As a result, it was all cheaper for luofan, an external disciple.


Now the object of envy is her concubine Yang Chu.

Imperial concubine Yang Chu doesn't know what these people think.

Rolling his eyes, he said proudly:

"What am I doing? What a pity?"

"Ha ha!"

"I don't think it's a pity. Luo fan is my fiance. He is strong. Can't he find a better inheritance in the future and improve my strength?"

"Hiss ~"

Yang Chu Fei said so.

Several core disciples no longer pity concubine Yang Chu, but envy her even more.


Why didn't you think of this!

Although imperial concubine Yang Chu missed the good thing of inheriting sword Qi, she had a powerful husband.

With this powerful husband.

There is no need to worry about inheritance and cultivation improvement.

They still pity each other!


Sure enough.

Clowns are really ourselves!!

At this time, Yang yunlang said happily again:

"Luo fan, if you have such an opportunity, you can't be impulsive. Since you have said that your cultivation will be promoted to martial arts and Wuzong in a short time, why don't you wait until your cultivation is improved, and then go to Lingwu sect and even huamo sect to solve those problems."

"Sect leader, I can really wait. Our disciples of xingbeast sect can also wait, but elder martial sister Lanqin may not be able to wait! I didn't know these things just now, otherwise I would stop her if I said anything."

Luo fan regretted.

Yang yunlang also has some helplessness.

This girl.

Not early, not late.

We have to wait until this time.

As a result, there was such a big misunderstanding.

A sigh.

Yang yunlang thought for a moment and said:

"Well, let's hurry up. We'll go to Qi Tianzong first and settle the disciples. I'll go to Lingwu Zong again and tell the girl Lanqin about the situation. It should be too late!"

"How long does it take from qitianzong to lingwuzong? Elder martial sister Lanqin uses a flying boat, which should be fast!"

Lofan warned.

"Flying boat? It seems that Lingwu sect really values Lanqin and rewarded her with a flying boat? If so, we may not be so worried. Even if she is willing to take the initiative to devote herself, other senior leaders of Lingwu sect will not easily agree to let his master win!"

Yang yunlang was very surprised.

"Then, how long will it take to rush from Qi Tianzong to Lingwu Zong at your speed?"

Lofan never puts hope on others.

Although his current strength may be a little behind LAN Qin's master.

But lofan believes.

When he arrived at the ruins of ancient zongmen and picked up some attributes again, he should think that it was not much different.

If not.

When he gets to lingwuzong.

Continue to pick up properties.

Since the strength of Lingwu sect is the first sect in the northern region.

Even the star beast sect can raise Luo fan's strength to the present level.

The first.

It shouldn't be difficult for him to raise his strength to the level of comparable Wuzong!

"If you are running with all your strength, it will take about half a month..."

"What? It takes so long?"

Lofan looked shocked.

Is the northern region really so big?

With Yang yunlang's strength, the speed is at least comparable to the high-speed railway with a speed of 300 per hour.

It still takes half a month?

If you change to yourself.

It should be able to reduce the time by at least half.

But it will take a week.

A week.

I'm afraid the cauliflower is cold!!

"What's your hurry, boy? I didn't say. I can only go to Lingwu sect through this channel!"

Yang yunlang interrupted Luo fan's eagerness:

"On the side of Qi Tianzong, there is a huge city called Guangwu city. It is one of the five major cities in the northern region, so it is equipped with a transmission array. Through the transmission array, you can go to Lingwu sect in an instant."

"Transmission array? And such good things!!"

Even in the memory of the predecessor, there is no understanding of the transmission array.

But in his previous life, Luo fan read a lot of novels. Naturally, there is an introduction to the transmission array. This is a necessary artifact on the way!

"When using the transmission array, you need a million spirit stones at a time!!"

Seeing Luo fan's plan, imperial concubine Yang Chu warned weakly.

"A million spirit stones?"

Luo fan breathed and suddenly glanced at Yang yunlang:

"Sect leader, this is saving people! Can you provide it? Don't worry, I just borrow it from you. When I have it, I will return it to you!!"


Yang yunlang made no hesitation and said in righteous words:

"I'm not a distressed spirit stone. I'm sure to save people, but I said I'll go there in person and tell the girl Lanqin the truth. You'll be relieved to improve your strength in the ruins. When your strength reaches a certain level, all crises will no longer be crises!!"

Yang yunlang still doesn't want Luo fan to take risks.

"Go to the ruins first!"

Luo fan didn't argue with Yang yunlang anymore.

He saw his determination from Yang yunlang's attitude.

He also knew that it was a waste of time to continue arguing.

Isn't it a million spirit stones?

I can't. I'll rob the rich and help the poor.

As one of the five largest cities in the northern region.

There are always some people who are not benevolent for wealth.

At that time, it will be easy to get a million spirit stones?

I heard lofan say that.

Yang yunlang's eyes showed a touch of suspicion.

He knew that with his understanding of luofan these days, this boy was definitely not such an easy existence to give up.


no way!

When you get to the ruins, you must send someone to keep an eye on him.

He must not take risks now.


A group of people set off again in the direction of Qi Tianzong.

Yang yunlang's decision is undoubtedly correct.

This ancient sect relic is really not far from qitianzong. It may be more than 100 kilometers away.

Lofan and his party have been more careful.

I can still see whether there are practitioners flying past them not far away.

Good thing.

When these people saw them, they didn't care. They just thought they were passing by.

After all.

To cover up the trail.

All practitioners of xingbeast sect changed into civilian clothes after leaving xingbeast sect, and did not reveal any items that could represent identity.