I pushed the man away from me as I regained my balance. I glared at him and turned away. I began to walk away as my mind began to plan. I know I was somewhere near the Eastern Port of Francua and I was told I needed to head west to arrive at Lucena where a group of fellow assassins will be waiting for me. 

Now, I understood why I had to meet with other assassins. Our target was not a mere noble nor politician. He was the crown prince of Francua. Of course, there would be guards. I needed to find a horse or another wagon that I could use to take me to Lucena when I noticed the steps of another person beside me. I looked to my right and noticed the same man who caught me. I immediately placed my hand on the hilt of my sword preparing to draw my sword just in case.

He smiled at me again, "You haven't said thank you yet," he told me.

This man confused me but I stopped and looked at him curiously. With the recent experiences I had in my life, trusting was very far from my vocabulary. "Thank you," I uttered politely and continued with my walk.

I thought he would leave me in peace but to my surprise, he followed me and was walking side by side with me as if we were friends.

"My name is Jeu," he introduced himself to me.

I blinked as I walked faster than before. Why is this man being too friendly? I looked at him as I walked and studied him from head to foot. He was wearing a pirate's hat so he must be one. His face exudes warmness and his smile was contagious, I could feel the edge of my lips twitching. Then, I saw his sword. My grip on my sword became tighter… just in case.

"You like what you see? I'm better on the inside," he told me and gave me a playful grin. 

I stopped at my tracks and stared at him. "What are you doing?" I finally asked.

"Walking with you," he said and tilted his hat.

"Why?" I asked.

"I want to know your name," he answered directly.

I narrowed my eyes. He smiled at me more. I took a deep breath. I therefore conclude that this man is a fool! A handsome fool! A charming handsome fool!

"What's your name?" he asked me.

I sighed again. I should NOT be wasting time. "Angela," I blurted out. I was not supposed to say it but somehow it came out.

He smirked, "I didn't know that angels walk the earth."

UGH! Another pick up line! "You're a fool," I said and walked away.

Jeu followed again, "I'm a pirate. I am actually a captain of my ship."

I frowned, "Thank you for stating the obvious." I can't help but be sarcastic.

He chuckled then smirked, "Your face and your line of work do not match, don't you know that, Angela?" he stated. The tone of his voice changed.

The sudden change of the tone of his voice put me on high alert. My defenses went up right away, "What do you mean by that?"

He smiled again, "If you ask me, you're better off as a princess rather than as an assassin."

I abruptly turned to him and glared, "What made you think I'm an assassin?"

"Your sword and the way you grip it right now wanting to draw it," he replied and looked at me sternly.

I scoffed, "If I'm an assassin, you won't live another day, pirate," I threatened him.

But instead of getting intimidated, he shrugged his shoulders, "I want to see you try," he challenged me.

"Be careful what you wish for," I said and turned towards the forest trails. If he still follows me, I'll kill him!

I was not surprised anymore when he followed me. This man has a death wish. I will gladly put him to rest so I can go to Lucena and join the assassination team that I was assigned to. I quickly drew my sword and turned around to attack him! My surprise attacks were usually difficult to evade but he blocked it by just raising his sword from the sheath. I jumped back.

"You're not just an annoying pirate, aren't you?" I asked.

He smiled again. UGH! That smile was beginning to irritate me. It was as if he was telling me that I could not kill him.

"Annoying? You find me annoying? In what way?" he asked and scratched his nose.

I widened my eyes at him in disbelief. "What you are doing right now is annoying."

"Blocking your attack? But I don't want to die," Jeu replied.

I shook my head, "The pick up line… following me…"

"But you really do look like an angel. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You should be aware that you are very beautiful, are you not?" he told me honestly.

My heartbeat raced. In the past four years, no one dared to call me beautiful to my face because I had mastered the look of intimidation. I felt my cheeks turning warm.

Jeu grinned, "Aw, you're blushing."

I narrowed my eyes and attacked once more. Our swords clash. I tried to push him but he remained immovable.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, a swordsman should have a calm mind. Rushing your attack will only result in your demise," he lectured me.

The nerve of this pirate! What gave him the right to lecture me! I switched my footing so I could pivot and aim for his side but he quickly moved his sword to block it as if he could read my moves.

"Clear your mind, Angela. Or else, I would be able to continue to read your moves," he told me.

I made an upward swing this time and increased my speed. Jeu, however, deflected it again! How fast could this man be? I made two back flips to put distance between us.

"Leave me alone," I finally said. I could hear the frustration in my voice.

Jeu gave me a faint smile, "If you need a place to stay. Our ship is docked at the Eastern Port. You won't miss it. We have red, white, and blue sails."

"What makes you think I need a place to stay?" I asked.

"Your eyes… they're longing for home," he said quietly but enough for me to hear.

I quickly turned away as my tears began to well up my eyes. What is going on? How could this man stir up emotions in me that I already buried away a long time ago? I took a deep breath. 

"Don't you dare follow me," I said then ran.

The faster I ran away from Jeu, the better!