My face felt warmer in an instant and I quickly pushed Jeu away. His mischievous grin did not leave his charming face as he continued to stare at me. He touched his lips. I could not take my eyes off of his lips as he did that as if I was being hypnotized so I swallowed hard to escape the trance that I was about to enter in. Then, I forced myself to narrow my eyes to revert back to being intimidating. However, Jeu was not one to be affected by such intimidation tactics, especially if THAT someone just kissed him accidentally. My hand instinctively dropped to my side to draw my weapon to defend myself but it was not there. I realized I had left it in Teresa's room.

"Well, well, well… that went faster than we expected," the only other female in the ship said.

I looked in the direction of her voice and my embarrassment quadrupled now knowing that the whole crew was there and had witnessed the accidental kiss. I opened my mouth to voice my defense but nothing came out. My mind went blank in an instant. How do I explain what just happened without sounding so defensive and weak?

Waldo whistled, "Captain's speed strikes again. He sure is quick with everything!" He looked at me with teasing eyes.

QUICK WITH EVERYTHING?! Is Jeu a pervert?! My eyes widened at my realization. Things had happened in my life and I am currently unsure about my chastity but I AM NOT A CHEAP WHORE! I knew of class and virtuous behavior so  I shook my head right away. However,  the crew just ignored me and continued on with the impression that our situation had already imprinted in their dirty minds.

"That solves the dilemma of where to room Angel. She is OBVIOUSLY going to share a room with the Captain," the man with the band on his head concluded. He eyed me teasingly as he crossed his arms.

The crew chuckled at what the man said. I looked at Teresa in hopes that she would side with me because she is a woman just like me. But she shrugged her shoulders, "I am already sharing a few of my clothes with you. I am not sharing my bed. Captain Jeu will take care of you."

I clenched my fist. I could feel my irritation heightened and was turning into aggravation. I will not be subject to sleeping on a bed that I do not want to be on! NOT AGAIN!!! I'd rather die! I opened my lips to air my complaints and displeasure but I heard Jeu's voice first.

"Now, now, now… stop teasing her," he said.

Teresa replied, "Inigo is right, though," she said pertaining to the man with the band on his forehead. "There's no room left in the ship. She has to share with someone else and I already said my piece regarding the matter. She is NOT rooming with me. Just because I am the only other woman in the ship does not mean that I am amenable to losing my privilege to my own room. I simply refuse." She then flipped her braid and raised her brow with her nose in the air.

After she said that, I looked at the other members of the crew with watchful eyes. I do NOT trust any of the men. "I'd rather sleep on the deck," I told them right away.

The crew smirked and looked at each other knowingly. I knew right away that they were planning something mischievous… my initiation perhaps?

Jeu sighed loudly. "You can have my room," he told me with a smile.

"I am not sleeping with you," I said sternly.

Jeu chuckled, "Though it is disappointing to hear, I am not suggesting that you do." He pointed to a hammock by the wheel. "I always sleep there anyways."

I sighed in relief. The crew saw that and they were not quick to allow me to relax just yet.

"How about your clothes, Captain? Where will you keep them?" Ojoz asked with a mischievous grin.

Jeu was about to open his lips to respond but all the crew said simultaneously, "Not in our rooms!"

I gaped in disbelief. Waldo looked at me and snickered, "Sorry, Angel. You see, the Captain is very obsessive on how he arranges and keeps his things. We simply cannot handle it. I, for one, am very messy with my things."

The other crew members nodded in agreement right away. I looked at Jeu and he was looking at me with what I thought were pleading eyes. His lips formed a small sad pout that I found adorable and for a moment I remembered how I used to be. His facial expression tugged at my calloused heart. Who could deny that face?

I sighed in surrender, "I guess I am alright with you leaving your things in the room?" I finally found my voice again.

Jeu's lips formed a smile once more, "Thank you."

"Good, now it's settled," Inigo commented.

The spiky haired guy snorted, "It's just right that they take responsibility for each other after that PASSIONATE kiss that they just shared." 

The atmosphere was filled with a teasing air once more as the crew continued to make fun of us. Now, I'm livid. "WE DID NOT KISS! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!"

The spiky haired guy looked at me, "Accident? So you did kiss."

I shook my head, "No we did not!"

He raised his brows. His eyes filled with unbelief, "I saw what I saw and I am describing what I saw. You two kissed. Your lips were touching. That is a kiss."

I was about to disagree one more time but Jeu beat me to it. He looked at the spiky-haired man with warning eyes, "That's enough, Kwon."

Kwon shut his mouth in an instant. Everyone was silent in an instant and all I could hear were the waves of the ocean and the Pioneer DES' movements. The teasing stopped and the crew looked at Jeu with waiting eyes. I could sense the terror in Jeu's voice that made his crew fear his seriousness. I thought I would be able to see him punish his crew but I drew my conclusions too early. He smiled his sweet smile again.

"After all, it's not polite to tease a woman in her moments of passion," he said teasingly and winked at me.

His crew chuckled and whistled again and I let out a displeased groan. I shouldn't have expected decency from Jeu. Yes, he smiles charmingly but his pick up lines, quick moves on women, and his suave demeanor just affirm that he is a pervert!

"I would like to rest in my room please," I said with a brave and hopefully intimidating face.

The crew all pointed at the room behind the wheel and the hammock. I walked to that direction as fast as I could to escape the embarrassing moment the crew put me in.

"Rest up. Your initiation starts soon," Kwon told me as I passed him by.. I looked at him and he gave me a scheming grin.