Tears continue to fall from my eyes nonstop. I wept and before I knew it I was sobbing. I had never imagined Angelique's death to be that tragic. I regretted asking. I should have been just content to believe that she died out of an illness. Now, I finally understood the meaning of what my father usually says. Ignorance is a bliss.

I was shaking. I could not stop crying. I felt their pain. It was as if a knife stabbed my heart and left it there! And I could not take the knife away. Angelique died young. If she was living, I was probably just three years older than her. She was such a sweet and caring young lady. It was not fair!

Before I knew it, Jacob was seated next to me in the wagon. He handed me a kerchief to wipe my tears away. I took it and covered my face with it and my palms. Then, I sobbed some more. I felt Jacob's hands on my shoulders. Then, I was in his embrace. He was giving my back repeated gentle pats.

Usually, I would've just shrugged his embrace off and pushed him away. But NOT this time, I needed him to comfort me. And with his pain, pushing him away is inhumane. I needed him to know that I am here for him… that I understand him. I do now. I really do! So... I did not move even when I felt his embrace tightened... Even after I felt his head rested on my shoulder. I did not move even when I felt his tears on my skin. I dare not move! We stayed like that for a while until we both calmed down… until there were no more tears left to cry.

Jacob was the first one to let go. Then he continued to speak, " I waited until Angelique's funeral was over before I continued my investigation. It was General Zalez' doing. He retaliated because Paco reported him."

Jacob's voice began to crack again but he controlled it. "Paco… he… he pleaded with the palace to investigate. He sought justice for Angelique. He went everyday to the palace gates and wailed."

Another tear fell off my eyes and I quickly wiped it off. I continued to pay attention. "No one was doing anything. I talked to my superiors and no one dared to help us so I kept on investigating. Then…"

He clenched his jaw and his fist. "Then.. I found out that Zalez was just a pawn. Yes, the money goes to him but he remits them to nobles of the House of Lords. All the money that was taken from people ended up in the House of Lords. Angelique died because of the House of Lords. How can I be loyal to a country that is run by such lords?"

I sighed. "Jacob… I don't know what to say," I responded quietly and honestly. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

Jacob gave me a sad smile. "You do not have to say anything. I'm alright now. We moved on. And we do this… in part to honor her… to bring justice to her death… in our own way."

Another tear fell but this time, it was Jacob's hand that wiped it away. "Thank you for the tears. It meant a lot to me," he told me.

I nodded. I gave him a faint smile.

"You should rest," he said.

"You too," I responded.

Jacob felt that I was awake so he looked back. "We're almost at Fildas. We'll stop at a bakery for some bread and milk. Then, we'll continue on our way. We cannot tarry or we risk being recognized."

I nodded, "Alright."

We stopped at a bakery located in the outskirts of Fildas. After we bought the food that we needed, we continued on our journey. Jacob let me eat first and when I was finished, I drove so he could eat too. We could not stop if we wanted to remain anonymous. I kept my hood on the whole time as well, just in case. The only time I took it off was when I paid a young girl selling roses on the streets.

Before noon, we arrived at Angelique's grave. It was located at a hill filled with white rose bushes and they were in full bloom. The rest of the pirates were there. Each one holding a long stemmed white rose. I took hold of mine.

My eyes searched for Paco and when I saw him, I rushed to him and gave him an embrace. "You knew…" he said.

I nodded. "Jacob told me. She was a wonderful young woman. I regret not meeting her," I said. My tears fell down yet again.

Paco gave me a soft, sad chuckle. "You two would have been great friends," he said.

I smiled, "It would have been an honor to have a friend like her."

The pirates each laid their white rose on Angelique's grave. Then, it was my turn. Jacob came with me. "Little Girl, this is our new friend. I call her Darling because she still refuses to tell me her name," he said and placed his white rose. "I miss you so…" he added then left.

I looked at Angelique's grave for a while before I placed my white rose. "The white roses are beautiful," I said and smiled.

Paco was the last one to place a white rose. He stood there and looked at his daughter's grave. He did not cry. He did not weep. But, instead there was a sad smile on his lips. He clenched his fists after he placed the white rose. "I'll find your justice soon enough Angelique… soon…"

We could not tarry for any minute longer. After Jacob gave them directions and us changing groups, we headed back to Labyrinth. Paco rode with us this time. As we journeyed, Paco scolded Jacob a bit for burdening me with Angelique's story. Jacob, of course, had a clever retort and I told Paco that I did not mind in his defense. When all of us came back to Labyrinth, it was noon the next day. Jacob ordered to quickly anchor up. I watched him command the crew. For some reason, my eyes were glued on him. I could not stop looking at him. Now I understand why his crew is loyal to him.

Paco cleared his throat that got my attention. I turned to him. He smiled at me. "Thank you, Miss Darling."

I smiled back. "You're welcome."

Then he smirked, "Can't take your eyes off of him, huh?"

My face turned red, "I… I… I was…"

Paco shook his head, "It's alright Miss Darling… it's alright," he said and walked away. I sighed and looked up. My attention was taken by a falcon flying in the sky. It circled on top of us for a while and flew away. I scrunch my forehead. That was odd.

That time, I had forgotten about the falcon right away. But, I should have paid more attention. If I did, I could have known about a storm brewing back at Beckforth that will soon cost me my freedom… because in Beckforth where the falcon landed… a plan against us was formed.


"Your highness," a soldier approached the round table of the House of Lords and knelt down to give his report.

"Did you locate her?" the royalty asked.

"Yes, your highness. She's sailing with the former Captain Jacob Alon of the navy," the soldier responded.

The prince scoffed, "You mean the pirate?!"

The soldier looked up to him. "Y..yes, your highness," he answered in a shaky voice. The royalty might have a princely countenance but his voice is as cold, chilly, and dangerous as ice.

The prince tapped his right hand on the table while in thoughts, "Jacob, huh?" His voice instilled fear.

One of the lords that was with the prince dismissed the quivering soldier. When the soldier was gone, he looked at the prince and asked, "What is your plan, Prince Eric?"

Prince Eric smirked. His evil dark blue eyes scheming. "I want my bride back," he said simply.

"Jacob and his crew?"

"I would be pleased to see them die. Gallows or maybe disembowelment? Maybe beheading and their heads on stakes?" he said with a small laugh.

"You are the head of the House of Lords. Will it and it will be done."

"Very well, I want naval forces after them. Get Editha back, sink Labyrinth, and serve me Jacob's head," Prince Eric ordered.

"Consider it done, your highness."