Jacob let go of my… her hand right away and looked at the transparent me after hearing my screams. Together with the rest of my crewmates, he looked at my physical body and my transparent one back and forth. Jacob looked baffled and though I know he was already contemplating on what to do next, I felt sorry for him.

"You all could still see me, right?" the transparent me asked.

The whole crew nodded slowly, most of them with mouths gaped open. I gazed at my physical body who now crossed her arms and frowned at me.

"What is going on? Who are you?" I asked me-- I meant her.

I-- She sighed. So that was how I looked when I sigh. "I am Jaina, Priestess of the island."

"What are you doing with my body? What am I? What happened to me?" I bombarded me--Jaina with questions.

"I took over thy body. Thou art a spirit. Thine body and thine spirit's bond was severed when I entered in," she replied.

"Why would you do that?" Jacob asked her.

It was rather odd watching Jacob talk to me but NOT me. I watched as my lips moved. Those were the lips that Jacob kissed just this morning. I groaned and narrowed my eyes at myself-- her.

"To undo the curse that was bestowed upon us… upon my people!" Jaina replied and looked at Jacob sternly.

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. Why do I have to look so stunning talking to Jacob? I can't believe this! I was being jealous of my own body!

"What curse?" I asked again.

Jaina turned to me and with an eerie voice answered, "If vows be broken… contracts a-shaken… If unholiness caresses that which was divine… then to ashes the mortals accede… til the hands of the pure redeem the sacred lost.. spirits will wander in constant adrift."

"What did she just say?" Laurel asked and scratched his head.

"The curse was about a broken vow. Their bodies were turned to ashes and the ghosts wandered about until someone pure found the 'sacred lost'," Gondro rendered what the priestess said in a language that was more contemporary.

Jacob sighed and walked towards me… the spirit me… the real me. "Are you alright?" He tried to touch my cheeks but his palms just passed through me.

I frowned. I tried to touch him and it surprised us that I actually could. Jacob smiled at me. "You feel cold," he told me.

"Am I dead?" I asked, suddenly feeling melancholic. I was glad that I could still touch Jacob but I abhorred the idea that he couldn't. How could we kiss again?

Jacob turned his gaze abruptly to Jaina but his eyes softened right away after seeing my face… my physical face… "Answer her question," he ordered.

"No, thou art not departed… thou art not deceased. But thou and thy body will lend me a hand so I could fulfill my task."

"And if she refuses?" Thom asked.

"Then the curse remains with her," she said and pointed at me. "The lady will stay here on the island and will live among us."

"Or we could find a way to exorcise you," Jacob suggested.

Jaina chuckled, "Exorcise me? If thou force me out her body then her body will turn to ashes and she can no longer come back."

"Oh I know what you mean," I responded. "Do you think I would feel the pain or would she?"

My question began a mini-debate with the crew while Jacob and I stood there and observed Jaina.

"Now, you know how gorgeous you are," Jacob said. "I mean look at you," he added and pointed at my physical body.

I frowned at him, "For the time being, do not call THAT…" I pointed at my body "... beautiful."

He chuckled, "Are you getting jealous of yourself?"

I raised my brow. "She's not me and I want her out. I want my body back."

"That I agree with you. I want your body back, too," he told me and smirked.

I called out to the ghost. "How do I get my body back?"

"I will grant thy body back to thee if thou assist me in finding the sacred lost… the sacred pearl that those pirates with unholy hands had stolen," she said and pointed to the ship that was approaching. It was Labyrinth!

"Unholy hands? What do you mean?" Paco asked.

"Unholy hands should not touch the sacred pearl. Because of that the curse was unleashed!" Jaina responded. "The pirates were unholy! Only pure hands were allowed to caress the sacred lost."

"I am a pirate. You are going to use my hands to touch the pearl?" I asked.

Jaina nodded. "Thou art pure. If not I would NOT be able to possess thee," Was her answer.

I looked at her with skeptical eyes.

"Thou have NOT defiled the bed, virgin. That makes thee pure."

"Ohhhhhhhh…. so nothing other than a kiss happened last night," Neville looked at us and grinned playfully.

Wabi opened his mouth to say something but I raced him to it. I spoke first, "Perhaps we should focus on the problem at hand here?" I then pointed at myself and my body. "Would you please help me get my body back?" I petitioned them.

They all looked at Jaina as a response to my plea. Some of them crossed their arms and gave her a threatening look. Now, they're serious. I smiled and looked at my possessed body. I arched my left eyebrow at her.

"How do we reverse the curse?" Jacob asked.

"Seek and find the sacred pearl. That will undo the curse and bring our bodies back. When that day comes, I will give thee back this body," Jaina responded.

Jacob looked back to the sea where Labyrinth and the mysterious ghost ship were afloat. Then, he cracked the knuckles in his fists. "Time to talk to those ghosts, right men?"

My crewmates altogether watched Labyrinth and the ghost ship. In unison they palmed their fists, ready to fight. How they will beat the ghosts is beyond me. But, I just love watching their excitement to extract retribution and take back what belongs to us.